Banking Ombudsman (in addition to extant RBI's Omb)
Why to link with Internal Audit/ internal Control - CFO, CS....
With proven integrity, independence, more so legal acumen (law background)
cross refer > BSR on the institution of Omb. (BLOG)
These two features, seemingly aiming at diagonally but mutually conflicting ideas call for a closer and mufti dimensional study !
Cross Refer .
On Consolidation Of Appeals
Click here to download the file in pdf format
cross refer Podar Cement < SC
Also >
A. Judgment in Podar- secs. 256 (1) and 257
B. secs. 256,257,260 , 260 A, 261, 262
<< Previous Blogs

< Down TO Earth !
Society/apratment formation with builder - by RAHUL CHAVAN
April 29th, 2015
Discretion X Valor ?!
<< Judicial Propriety vs Emotions X Professional Deficiency
Parallel ideas , with no conceivable meeting point in vision ?!
Govt scrapes Draft Development Plan 2034 after observing huge lapses & flaws
Determination of fair market value of Property in India
Vinayak Chatterjee: Getting real about real estate
Power to make Rules and Regulations:
Ref. Previous <
TO BE MARRIED (Paired ?!)
MOFA (maoa) vs KAOA (kofa)
11 Common Regrets Of New Home Owners
< Power to make Rules and Regulations:
< In one’s longstanding conviction, and as is being canvassed all along, the very sensible opinion handed down by the consumer court should go a long way in having settled, amicably, without having to go court, OR OTHERWISE, all out- standing lawful but left- unfulfilled -demands against promoter.
Banking Ombudsman (in addition to extant RBI's Omb)
RBI asks PSBs, large private and foreign banks to appoint ombudsman |
Why to link with Internal Audit/ internal Control - CFO, CS....
With proven integrity, independence, more so legal acumen (law background)
cross refer > BSR on the institution of Omb. (BLOG)
Posted: 11 May 2015 03:32 AM PDT
Accommodation Times News Services The objective of breaking up the
target is to let all stakeholders know the target of new homes clearly
within their areas especially within ULB’s so that wherever necessary,
new policy or an action plan is put in place and which can be
periodically monitored by the Mission headed by […]
Strategy for Optimum use of
existing land resources by encouraging redevelopment (pg. 25 to 57)
Strategy for Improving quality of
life, overall living standards with concern for environment (pg. 60, 61,,,)
These two features, seemingly aiming at diagonally but mutually conflicting ideas call for a closer and mufti dimensional study !
Cross Refer .
On Consolidation Of Appeals
DIT vs. M/s. Societe Generale (Bombay High Court)
< M/s. Chitivalasa Jute Mills V/s. M/s. Jaypee Rewa Cement reported in A.I.R. 2004 Supreme Court, 1687. In the context of power of consolidation of suits, the Hon’ble Court held as under ….Click here to download the file in pdf format
cross refer Podar Cement < SC
Also >
A. Judgment in Podar- secs. 256 (1) and 257
B. secs. 256,257,260 , 260 A, 261, 262
Provides parties with a streamlined and standardized appellate
· Order that I issued under the Income Tax
(Appellate Tribunal) Rules, 1963, defining jurisdiction of the
various Benches of the Tribunal, has also undergone ...
<<< Important Amendments To The Finance Bill 2015 Passed By The Lok Sabha
Several important amendments with far reaching
consequences have been made to the Finance Bill 2015 as
passed by the Lok Sabha on 30th April 2015
The Entire Law On Taxation of Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets
The author, an eminent Chartered Accountant, has
meticulously analyzed the provisions of The Undisclosed
Foreign Income and Assets (Imposition of Tax) Bill, 2015
and explained all its intricacies and nuances. He has also
offered valuable suggestions on how to make the legal
provisions more effective and prevent its misuse
This latest reported episode, if viewed with a
different stroke, brings to surface certain crucial posers / propositions of a
rudimentary nature. To briefly touch upon, for the legal fraternity to go to
the grass root of the issues involved and devote independent thoughts, to
come to a better , if not THE right, conclusions :
It is common knowledge that, our modern times, is
replete with newer and newer technological developments in the field of IT.
To be precise, the reality is that knowledge has come to be
increasingly regarded as something to be shared openly, with no secrecy. More
so, should the sole or primary intention or objective be to serve the sublime
causes of creating awareness, awakening, so on, aimed at 'societal welfare' in
its profound sense. On that premise, does not the historical concept of 'copy
right’, having become outdated for long, cease to have any social relevance,
hence requires to be drastically changed?
Perhaps, courts, in interpreting any law or
applying the law to a given case, and adjudicating on such or similar issues,
might do well to keep in sharp focus the lately refined principle or rule of interpretation
known as “UPDATING CONSTRUCTION” that has been increasingly gaining
currency in the field of jurisprudence. For knowing more, recommend to care to
and look through the host of related material freely shared and available
in public domain.
< Cross Refer >
· With more
than 180 million blogs in the world, .....
B&B Hardware took an
unusually aggressive approach to its trademark dispute ... Three's
Company But Two's a Crowd: Theatrical Parodies of Copyrighted Works ...
But what if you have already initiated copyright infringement
proceedings and ...
<< Previous Blogs

< Down TO Earth !
- I am staying in newly constructed building. There are total 18 flats and we got completion certificate.
Builder is ready to form both either society or apartment. There are 5 members who have not paid fully to builder and they have ongoing arguments with builder for last 1 year on pending work and work quality and it seems like there is no end to that. Builder says, he will initiate the process of society formation only once he
recovers money from those 5 members.
My patience are over.Also I am worried about the situation where builder runs away. Will it be possible and good idea for remaining
12 members to force/ask builder to form society or apartment and get conveyance deed done without inclusion of those 5 members.
Is there any better solution for this. please guide me.
Posted: 29 Apr 2015 03:06 AM PDT
Accommodation Times News Services By Sanjay Chaturvedi Most of the
Housing Finance Companies are behaving like SAHUKARs and do not have
human face. With one sided agreement, blank undated cheques, promissory
notes from borrowers and guarantors and hefty processing fees, getting
housing finance is almost impossible to get. Under valuation of
properties while giving […]
April 29th, 2015
Discretion X Valor ?!
<< Judicial Propriety vs Emotions X Professional Deficiency
Parallel ideas , with no conceivable meeting point in vision ?!
Can a Company Have a Second Act? | |
Glenn Kelman, CEO of Redfin | |
Govt scrapes Draft Development Plan 2034 after observing huge lapses & flaws
Determination of fair market value of Property in India
Vinayak Chatterjee: Getting real about real estate
Power to make Rules and Regulations:
· Appropriate Government to have powers to make rules over subjects specified in the Bill;
· Regulatory Authority to have powers to make regulations;>
Ref. Previous <
TO BE MARRIED (Paired ?!)
MOFA (maoa) vs KAOA (kofa)
11 Common Regrets Of New Home Owners
Property Documents -
Why registration of immovable
< Power to make Rules and Regulations:
· Appropriate Government to have powers to make rules over subjects specified in the Bill;
· Regulatory Authority to have powers to make regulations;>
More Food (but this time with more spices added) For Thoughts) >
Ownership of life: If you don't belong to yourself, to whom ...
Once Again >>>>
< In one’s longstanding conviction, and as is being canvassed all along, the very sensible opinion handed down by the consumer court should go a long way in having settled, amicably, without having to go court, OR OTHERWISE, all out- standing lawful but left- unfulfilled -demands against promoter.
but equally, it could be validly urged, the same opinion must hold good even to
cases in which, -by force of circumstances, left with no other option ,
the buyers’, as a body, whether duly constituted as a legal entity or not, have
taken over from promoter, come to be known as ‘financial take-over’,-that is,
simply the responsibility to attend to maintenance and other such works/affairs
in relation to the building complex, pending the ‘final conveyance’ as mandated
by the law. Also, should equally hold good, if not with greater force, to
‘apartments complex’ as well. >
The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill
seeks to bring order to an ungoverned market
......................... With this goody bag for consumers do concerns also exist? >>>>>>>>....... ?
Vinayak Chatterjee is the Chairman of Feedback Infra.; Twitter: @Infra_VinayakCh
Government should deal with the media, not blame
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