Saturday, April 25, 2015

BS Blogs - selecteds -Ready Reference

Paradox of Indian philanthropy

In the manner the PMO has evolved and functions, it is now a bloated bureaucracy whose minions clutter up the processes of decision-making. »
April 28, 2013

Applying peer pressure against graft

Banalities in the guise of gyan

We never seem to walk the talk

If only poets ruled the world…

Doing business in India is no joke

Time for President to ask questions

Public opinion as a factor of governance

How another CM kept to time

Law breakers as law makers

One of the favourite aphorisms of speakers at seminar....

Intolerance reaching dangerous levels

Re-ordering bureaucrat-minister relations

Down with the hideous tyranny of IT

Growing resistance to authority and control

The Judicial Standards and Accountability....

CAG and Govt at loggerheads again

Flip side of positive thinking

‘Ageist’ doctors negligent of elderly?

Delaying decisions can be good for you!

Are elite Indians insensitive to fraud?

Meetings for the sake of meetings

Propping up the economy on hope

Customer service on the way out?

New mode of resolving conflicts

Restoring respect for authority

Darkness under the lamp

Government as a client before courts of law

Dealing with disruptive contrarians

On Judicial Activism

T. R. Andhyarujina
(Senior advocate of SC and former Solicitor General - an abridged version of a lecture delivered at the sesquicentennial of the Bombay High Court.)

More In: Lead | Opinion

Across The Globe >

1.        Judicial activism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   Cached
Judicial activism refers to judicial rulings suspected of being based on personal or political considerations rather than on existing law. It is sometimes used as an ...

2.        Judicial Activism « LRB blog - London Review of Books · 19 ...   Cached
The ‘bedroom tax’ is a policy about the allocation of two kinds of limited public resources: council accommodation and housing benefits. Council tenants no longer ...

3.        Judicial Review v. “Judicial Activism” | The Front Blog   Cached
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4.        MCCL Blog: On judicial activism   Cached
Judicial activism, as it is understood by its critics, is not the judicial practice of actively overturning laws or precedents, rather than passively ...

5.        Against Judicial Activism:   Cached
The Charter and expansive versions of the federal and provincial human rights codes were supposed to safeguard the human rights and fundamental freedoms of Canadians.

6.        Articles » Blog Archive » Judicial Activism or Judicial Tyranny   Cached
Judicial Activism or Judicial Tyranny* Dr. S. R. Nayak Former Chief Justice, High Court of Chhattisgarh. The author uses his expertise to put the delicate issue of ...

7.        judicial activism |   Cached
Right-wing columnist George Will has a column this morning filled with deception and misdirection on the Supreme Court's infamous Lochner decision.

8.        judicial activism - Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus ... activist   Cached
judicial activism. n. Judicial lawmaking that exceeds the proper exercise of judicial authority, especially when concerned with matters ordinarily addressed by a ...

9.        Judicial Activism - IAS OUR DREAM  › …  › PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
Judicial activism involves innovative interpretations of the nuances of law. The pro-active approach of the judiciary with regard to particular socio economic ...

10.     judicial activism - Create a free website or blog   Cached
Commenting on the Supreme Court’s recent decision striking down a mandatory minimum sentence in R. v. Nur, 2015 SCC 15 in the National Post, …

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