Update >
Oct 26
When the markets are
moribund, Indian policymakers pull out all stops to convince small investors...
Arvind Subramanian: a pro-reform economist with impeccable…
Who among Gandhi and Bhagat Singh was right in his approach towards the British rule in India?

Local circles >
< The government feels that parliamentary privileges should be clearly defined, delimited and simplified. Codification of privileges should be considered priority to remove uncertainty and anxiety of the press and the people. A parliamentary panel, consisting of members of both Houses, may be set up to lay down privileges in specific terms and to recommend appropriate legislation.>
Certainly , none, particularly the Press or the People can miss the sudden appearance of a streak of silver lining in the largely hovering sable clouds. Should the ideal aspects proposed to be formalized are covered in a simply worded Code, and sincerely followed, without the need for compulsion to have implemented and diligently enforced - sooner the better, undoubtedly might usher in the long pending transformation, nay reformation, of the whole environment in polity across the nation.
May be, - not to be missed is another common aspiration of the people to be suitably covered; that is,emphasis on cent percent attendance while the legislature is in session, and whole -hear ted cum spirited active participation in the proceedings. As is the proverb,- "Every cloud has a silver lining" (expression of a poetic sentiment that even the gloomiest outlook contains some hopeful or consoling aspect).
Power To Expunge from-
Record of proceedings (by Speaker or ..in Legislature)
Order of lower Authority (say, by HC, in the Order of ITAT )
When exercisable and to what extent- parameters for ?
Urban development ministry to launch ‘Social Audit’ for new schemes
The Greatest Roman Empire may have had its "rise" once, but only to be later (to ignore the time span) followed, inevitably by "fall ". Nonetheless, a "common man' possessing sheer common sense, is left bewildered, as ever from the hoary past, wondering, - is there anyone on earth, alive, including even those who openly declare to be endowed with the highest level of anyone or more of those 'QUOTIENTS" named "IQ" , "EQ", 'PQ" , so on, or economic or professional expertise/exposure, or by chance happen to be committed to 'ideals" , if not the rarest of all being "ideologies" likewise declare or vouch for that BANG day of "fall" for such complicity, at any state level or national level.
(in frustration, left wide OPEN to EDIT- but with no liberty to moderate)
Ind Exp
War of blunt positions
Read More
Experts say that the new governments led by the
BJP are likely to push land reforms and expedite various approval processes,
bringing down the ...
< .....likely to push land reforms and expedite various
approval processes, bringing down the cost for developers and, ultimately, the
end users.
Gurgaon and Mumbai, the richest cities in Haryana and
Maharashtra, respectively, have always been the preferred markets for
investors. Most parts of these cities are beyond the reach for those looking
for affordable homes.
"We are expecting correction in prices as monopoly of certain developers, especially in Gurgaon, is bound to end," says the top executive with a real estate firm. Single-window clearance, a demand for long, is likely and so are land reforms, he adds.
'House for all by 2022' has been a top agenda for the BJP government at the Centre. While there are many developers across the two states, DLF in Gurgaon and the Lodhas and Oberois in Mumbai are among the biggest names.
Most affordable projects are located on the boundaries or suburbs of these cities. Sanjay Dutt, managing director of Cushman & Wakefield, a realty consultant, says: "Mumbai suffered a lot in terms of approvals and costs added up. If a developer bought land for Rs 1,000 crore and paid 30 per cent interest, he had to shell out Rs 300 crore, which was included in the apartment prices.">
"We are expecting correction in prices as monopoly of certain developers, especially in Gurgaon, is bound to end," says the top executive with a real estate firm. Single-window clearance, a demand for long, is likely and so are land reforms, he adds.
'House for all by 2022' has been a top agenda for the BJP government at the Centre. While there are many developers across the two states, DLF in Gurgaon and the Lodhas and Oberois in Mumbai are among the biggest names.
Most affordable projects are located on the boundaries or suburbs of these cities. Sanjay Dutt, managing director of Cushman & Wakefield, a realty consultant, says: "Mumbai suffered a lot in terms of approvals and costs added up. If a developer bought land for Rs 1,000 crore and paid 30 per cent interest, he had to shell out Rs 300 crore, which was included in the apartment prices.">
Oct 26
Modi lauds media's role in spreading awareness on Clean India campaign
Reaching out to the
media, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today lauded its role in spreading aware...
» 1 comment
Who cares about public shareholders?

Skewed approach to bad debt
Nirmal Gangwal
There is growing concern over stressed assets in the banking
system. Public sector banks have be... » 4 comments
Arvind Subramanian: a pro-reform economist with impeccable…
Who among Gandhi and Bhagat Singh was right in his approach towards the British rule in India?
A socially responsible Social Network?
Mahananda Bohidar
Most people start their
week by moaning about Mondays. Mark Zuckerberg started his by flying... »
Local circles >
BJP Samvad Cell shared a new resource in "Transform India with Modi".
Subject: Modi Govt to formalize code of conduct for MPs.
< The government feels that parliamentary privileges should be clearly defined, delimited and simplified. Codification of privileges should be considered priority to remove uncertainty and anxiety of the press and the people. A parliamentary panel, consisting of members of both Houses, may be set up to lay down privileges in specific terms and to recommend appropriate legislation.>
Certainly , none, particularly the Press or the People can miss the sudden appearance of a streak of silver lining in the largely hovering sable clouds. Should the ideal aspects proposed to be formalized are covered in a simply worded Code, and sincerely followed, without the need for compulsion to have implemented and diligently enforced - sooner the better, undoubtedly might usher in the long pending transformation, nay reformation, of the whole environment in polity across the nation.
May be, - not to be missed is another common aspiration of the people to be suitably covered; that is,emphasis on cent percent attendance while the legislature is in session, and whole -hear ted cum spirited active participation in the proceedings. As is the proverb,- "Every cloud has a silver lining" (expression of a poetic sentiment that even the gloomiest outlook contains some hopeful or consoling aspect).
- Stop corruption or other nations could turn away Indian doctors: Fiona Godlee Rema Nagarajan Rema Nagarajan,TNN |
In America, the force was with 'Gujju bhai' Modi - Blogs
Modi's fast ball baffles Americans but the Force is with him ...
Jamal Mecklai: Mr Modi's magic |
There's no gainsaying that Narendra Modi is taking the world by storm.
More importantly, domestic sentiment, cautiously optimistic till now, is
A multi-faceted relationship
Power To Expunge from-
Record of proceedings (by Speaker or ..in Legislature)
Order of lower Authority (say, by HC, in the Order of ITAT )
When exercisable and to what extent- parameters for ?
Urban development ministry to launch ‘Social Audit’ for new schemes
<> The apparently
fanciful / eye-catching prefix
"social" by itself cannot be expected to usher in. much less truly accomplishing
, the long outstanding "transparency" and "accountability"
, without having effective in-built machinery in the planned "Audit",
of any such or like schemes, aimed at
the objective of principally societal welfare; and only secondarily the urban
The Greatest Roman Empire may have had its "rise" once, but only to be later (to ignore the time span) followed, inevitably by "fall ". Nonetheless, a "common man' possessing sheer common sense, is left bewildered, as ever from the hoary past, wondering, - is there anyone on earth, alive, including even those who openly declare to be endowed with the highest level of anyone or more of those 'QUOTIENTS" named "IQ" , "EQ", 'PQ" , so on, or economic or professional expertise/exposure, or by chance happen to be committed to 'ideals" , if not the rarest of all being "ideologies" likewise declare or vouch for that BANG day of "fall" for such complicity, at any state level or national level.
(in frustration, left wide OPEN to EDIT- but with no liberty to moderate)
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Going by media reports, particularly on his recent visit to
the US, anyone is inclined and strongly tempted to veer round to the perception
and fervent belief that the newly installed leader, by virtue of his MODI fied approach to things, and his peculiarly chosen ‘operandi’,
are bound to work favourably. For, after all, the dictionary itself has been
kind to him ; in that, “modus operandi ‘ is an expression which is interchangeably usable with “ modi (’s) operandi”
or vice versa.
click here.
click here.
Ind Exp
War of blunt positions
- Indian Express - 1 day agoWar of blunt positions ... another spectre is haunting India: chronic regulatory malfunction. ... But corruption is only a small part of the story.
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Modi for environment of trust but no incentives
SC verdict hits private firms, too; Rs 295-a-tonne fine to fetch Centre Rs 7,600 croreThe penalty of Rs 295 a tonne imposed by the Supreme Court on ...
blueprint for easing biz obstacles
< .....there are four parameters to be urgently studied – the land acquisition process, starting a business, taxation and contract enforcement to curb the continuous decline in ease of doing business.
Law Commission to propose changes in Arbitration Act soon
< .....there are four parameters to be urgently studied – the land acquisition process, starting a business, taxation and contract enforcement to curb the continuous decline in ease of doing business.
Law Commission to propose changes in Arbitration Act soon
Bank on royal treatment
Flex your muscle
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has rightly pointed to the
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Spl. Mark >
Cross Refer:
Spl. Mark >
Cross Refer:
Legal System - Law v Case Law
Submitted by vswami on 26 September 2014 - 8:43am.
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