E-Book On Companies Act 2013
by the ICAI (4.5 MiB)

CAs on warpath !
CA Community Files PIL against Revised Tax Audit report in Delhi & Other HCs
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Is Fox a cunning or wise animal ? >
cunning marked by skill in deception "cunning men often pass for wise" ... n cunning The natural wit or instincts of an animal: as, the cunning of the fox or hare.
Think of "Fox" - to instantly be reminded of 'Sour Grapism" - A Philosophy BY Itself ?!
Read Below Related @ >>>>>
Sept. 1
The Supreme Court’s reminder that the executive needs to observe “constitutional propriety” while... » 3 comments
"Time Management" -
ICSI Presidents Message – August 2014
< Administration of justice
Aug 23
For highlighted facets ref. >
CROSS refer >
Aug 22
No absolute right of an Advocate to have appearance in any Court – Gujarat HC
Sept. 27
From the common viewpoint of both the company and
its shares- and other -stake holders, let alone personal, by any standard, his
career , in one's perspective, deserves to be regarded as no 'small'
achievement but a mission
accomplished. Especially, if were to be looked at bearing in mind the not-so-commendable
state of affairs largely prevailing in today’s corporate world- to be precise,
in the matter of 'good governance' in its profound sense.
Incidentally, apart from the two hitherto well
known concepts of "IQ" and "EQ" , has come to be mooted
lately yet another- known as "?” mooted anew and propagated through the
media. That shows there is no dearth of
scope for exploring further, - the “spiritual “ aspects of life and to learn
the “art of living”; and extending it to the mundane world in general, the
corporate world in particular.
for enlightenment HERE:
= “Pygmalion”
Read> What is your organisation's Pygmalion Quotient? | Business ...

CBDT Issues Handbook To Explain How TDS Is Processed By CPC
GST implementation from April 2016 feasible: Official
If perceived earnestly, and considered objectively, the task
of repealing old /obsolete laws may have to be pushed to a second line of
action. For, apparently, even in the
normal course of events, more so for historical reasons, or with efflux of time, etc. ; if not all, most of
those would have become redundant on their own, having lost the teeth to bite /
not really in force or being enforced. Instead, one thinks, the law commission
must first frightfully engage itself and come out, on a top priority footing,
with constructively practical
suggestions and effective solutions ,
to the governments, of the Union and the States, as to how best to give
a fresh lease of life and give a hard push to implement and enforce more than
one of those laws , not-so-old or obsolete, manly of the States, but
nonetheless have been wantonly allowed to simply rest for long, as a ‘paper
tiger’, within the bounds of the statute book. One such instance is the law(s)
having post -independence origin; being the special law(s) with a laudable
objective of regulating the realty sector; to be precise, the business of
construction and sale of multi-storeyed buildings /comprising indivisible but
‘independent’ units (flats/Apartments).
The topmost need for doing so has been repeatedly
underlined, of late dilated on, through material placed on devoted websites,
but until now with no outcome worth a mention.The reported recent developments
and related fresh moves from the Housing Ministry are not noted to have any
immediate solutions to offer, to the multiple woes of the gullible buyers'
community, being the victims of the 'villainy' foisted and perpetuated for
CAs on warpath !
CA Community Files PIL against Revised Tax Audit report in Delhi & Other HCs
PMO website relaunched with Modi's message, pictures
The term "social media", in its true /truthful sense,
otherwise given the status of "THE FOURTH ESTATE"*, is a necessary
concomitant of any democracy.
As said by a great man, a visionary, more so a social
activist par excellence,- free press is as essential to a democracy to survive
, as oxygen to human beings. Democracy without a free press is a contradiction
in terms. it is not an optional extra. To get enlightened on a first hand basis, read the published
speech, so titled* : Source Book , worth its weight in soulful wisdom - We, the
Modi govt's use of social media illegal: Govindacharya - The ...
Do Browse >
Is Fox a cunning or wise animal ? >
cunning marked by skill in deception "cunning men often pass for wise" ... n cunning The natural wit or instincts of an animal: as, the cunning of the fox or hare.
Animal Symbolism - Animal Totems - Animal Totem Jewelry ...
Think of "Fox" - to instantly be reminded of 'Sour Grapism" - A Philosophy BY Itself ?!
Read Below Related @ >>>>>
Sept. 1
For The Day >
Vinay Mantha
The new-age CFO and his many avatars
Mid-career executives make a beeline for global degrees
How Bharat’s new CEO inspired on I-Day
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: You’re in trouble!
Longevity is the name of the game for a successful career
To move ahead fast, learn lifelong
The Supreme Court’s reminder that the executive needs to observe “constitutional propriety” while... » 3 comments
CBDT To AOs: Respect Taxpayer’s Time And Don’t Make Them Wait
"Time Management" -
What is Time Management? - Blogspot.com
Walking the thin line
As is quite commonly observed in our times, increasingly so in very
recent decades, there is nothing even in theory , forget in practice, as
is being regarded or truly perceived as 'the thick line'. It is always a
thin line - call it a line of distinction, or demarcation, or whatever.
Consider for instance,- 'line of control' between two countries ;
the three distinct, or so meant, functionaries for good governance as
envisaged in the nation's basic charter, being legislature, judiciary
and executive . In pith and substance, what ultimately one is speaking
of is the objective line of distinction between RIGHT and WRONG in the original (at the inception) sense of the two concepts; which has been, to suit the
majority mindset of the Homo sapiens, unwittingly or otherwise continued
to be rendered thinner and thinner. So much so, the prospects of even
such a ever thinning line eventually becoming totally extinct cannot at
all be ruled out.
This is an area, for ostensible reasons, left only is those still
surviving 'philosophers' and 'humanists', if any, amongst the modern
time 'wonders' walking the planet earth, to devoutly devote time and mind
to embark on an applied research of such a subject, simply for academic
purposes,- though not expected to serve any utility purpose (to be of earthly use, so to say).
ICSI Presidents Message – August 2014
cases pending in family court
"....a whopping 8,600 cases are pending, with the oldest one dating back to 2003."
< Lesson- seek separation (to rhyme with 'catch young'), while young and have a clear and sure balance of lifeline left.
<< Another alternative, especially to those who believe in formalization or legalization, the doors of the "REGISTRAR " are ajar anyway !
<> Offhand
The media has, in its unmistakable zest and unquenchable
thirst for anything truly or believed to
be sensational, gone on to give publicity to the update of statistics in
relation to a matter , - 'family' – once upon a time righteously regarded as a ‘sacred
institution’; which, if some insightful thought is given may be realized, has
nothing sensational about it. On the contrary brings to surface the growing
irrational outlook of man and woman, who have opted to and joined in wedlock.
According to a counter-view lately gaining currency and being canvassed in the
virtuous circles, howsoever limited that be, the striking worrisome inquiry
must be - why at all litigation should be encouraged; for that matter, why at all,
you should keep on opening more and more avenues - courts, judges, lawyers , w
ho, in the ultimate analysis, cannot be imagined
or expected to have an absolutely 'objective view' – should betterment of
‘societal welfare” be given priority and kept upfront. Instead, perhaps, every
such court should have in its front gate a sign board loudly cautioning
/stressing something on these lines, – United be if to survive, Divided be if
to perish ?! Alternatively, the dubious concept of ‘judicial separation’ ought
to be given a go by ; instead, separation, if so decided determinedly and
irrevocably bent upon, must be made much easier (- the formula of "balance- of convenience" is, after all, not unknown or unfamiliar but off and on chosen to be adopted on the drop of a hat, so to say) - just as, proclaiming ‘talaqh’
3 times, before the close (?) ‘relatives’
(??) of both the man and woman.
<><> KEY note:
<><> KEY note:
"....a whopping 8,600 cases are pending, with the oldest one dating back to 2003."
< Lesson- seek separation (to rhyme with 'catch young'), while young and have a clear and sure balance of lifeline left.
<< Another alternative, especially to those who believe in formalization or legalization, the doors of the "REGISTRAR " are ajar anyway !
Battles Rage for a Better World | Your Week In
'Not for Shale': UK Protesters
Launch Widespread Actions Against Fracking
by Lauren McCauley Targeting both industry and government, series of direct actions kicks off week-long anti-fracking camp in Blackpool, England. |
'This is the Story of Power in
this Country': Ferguson, Institutionalized Racism and the Militarization of
by Nadia Prupis The Center for Investigative Reporting found in 2011 that more than $34 billion in federal grants have gone to stocking police forces with tanks, riot gear, and assault weapons. Within.. TOI |
Times of
India - 20
hours ago
The NDA govt had to face tough
moments in SC over the denial of LOP status to Cong in the Lok
Sabha, with a bench led by Chief Justice R M ...
<><> ".....a more transparent alternative?
As someone
intelligently questioned, the heated debate set in fast motion, perhaps unmindful,
is rather premature at this hour. But, if viewed with a different
stroke, other points of common sense poser intriguingly are, among
multiples, selectively these:- Is not 'more' transparent basically a
wrong approach ? Any ideal , if not ideological, alternative, in own
perspective, must either be transparent or not transparent; nothing
neutral or mediocre (translucent having an ominous , and extensively
undesirable, diffused foreboding) . But then, in today's context , is
that not too much for any mortal, howsoever high or low by any
conceivable measure he be, to even aspire for even in the wildest of
anyone's dream or imagination, except if obsessed with illusion ? What
is the 'balance', as an instrument, to be used - it it one as perfectly
made by an honest and upright fabricator with a balanced mindset, or
that tampered with as often used by a roadside vendor of edibles such as
'tarkari ? All seem to be so mind boggling as eventually land any
commoner even if endowed with a balanced and unbiased mindset in a
quandary , nay vicious circle !
MS Ananth
All eyes are on the Supreme Court: it will decide on the validity of the
Judicial Appointme... » 1 comment
< Administration of justice
While it is easy to
examine the contribution of a judge to the jurisprudence of law, it is
difficult to examine the (negative) effect of a particular judge on
administration of justice without cogent evidence. While people are
quick to make allegations of corruption against a judge, it is
imperative that these objective standards be applied while examining
such allegations. >
<> ".....a more transparent alternative " ? The solitary comment displayed
as at the moment is seen to rightly raise a fundamental question
calling for a mindful note. But, with a different stroke, other points of
common sense poser are, among multiples, selectively these:- Is not
'more' transparent basically a wrong approach ? Any ideal , if not
ideological, alternative, in own perspective, must either be
transparent or not transparent; nothing neutral or mediocre (translucent having an ominous , and extensively undesirable, diffused foreboding) . But then,
in today's context , is that not too much for any mortal, howsoever high
or low by any conceivable measure he be, to even aspire for even in the
wildest of anyone's dream or imagination, except if obsessed with
illusion ? What is the 'balance', as an instrument, to be used - it it
one as perfectly made by an honest and upright fabricator with a balanced mindset, or that tampered with
as often used by a roadside vendor of edibles such as 'tarkari ? All seem to be so mind boggling as eventually
land any commoner even if endowed with a balanced and unbiased mindset in a quandary , nay vicious circle !
Aug 23
Posted: 22 Aug 2014 04:25 AM PDT
Last week’s Schumpeter column in the Economist carries a provocative idea that involves a complete relook at the way boards of companies are structured and operated. It borrows a proposal from an article titled “Boards-R-Us: Reconceptualizing Corporate Boards” authored by two leading US corporate law academics. The column summarizes the proposal as follows:...
Last week’s Schumpeter column in the Economist carries a provocative idea that involves a complete relook at the way boards of companies are structured and operated. It borrows a proposal from an article titled “Boards-R-Us: Reconceptualizing Corporate Boards” authored by two leading US corporate law academics. The column summarizes the proposal as follows:...
<> What is so radical about the
idea, if not revolutionary! Even grating that be so, have all the required
vital considerations been kept in focus and duly taken into account ?
As the write-up itself says,- it
is an extension of the extant 'management consultancy' (engaged for appointment
of key and other personnel) - a form of outsourcing but this time, of the very
selection of the 'board' members, an essential arm, with a host of serious and
burdensome fiduciary responsibilities, for corporate governance, hitherto
remaining the prerogative of the shareholders. How about the conflict of
'vested interests’, mainly promoters and major shareholders ?
As of now, one's hunch , of course, rooted in irresistible 'pessimism', is, - may be for a few decades more, at best, serve as a spirited pastime for academicians / theoreticians / like species , across (outside of) the 'board' to keep selves engaged in debating!
This is yet another in the series of ultramodern ideas being floated around, simply for sake of it; to recall what a great renowned visionary said, - one is tempted to remind self that, the belief that man is the only rational living being was created by man and unto himself, in one of those ebullient moments of "self-adulation" (something unknown or alien to the very original concept of 'adulation")
Over to ' think tanks' -the new innovative idea catching up with Homo- sapiens >
As of now, one's hunch , of course, rooted in irresistible 'pessimism', is, - may be for a few decades more, at best, serve as a spirited pastime for academicians / theoreticians / like species , across (outside of) the 'board' to keep selves engaged in debating!
This is yet another in the series of ultramodern ideas being floated around, simply for sake of it; to recall what a great renowned visionary said, - one is tempted to remind self that, the belief that man is the only rational living being was created by man and unto himself, in one of those ebullient moments of "self-adulation" (something unknown or alien to the very original concept of 'adulation")
Over to ' think tanks' -the new innovative idea catching up with Homo- sapiens >
The concluding observation,
verging on individual's conviction, by itself sounds too pessimistic to
seriously consider whether at all any such idea could help in providing even
remotely a starting point for deliberation. The uppermost genuine worry is
this: in the name of or attempt at
"total overhauling", the job (akin to that of a car mechanic) ought
not to leave anyone or more essential parts (ends) left out un-fitted, thereby
endangering the basic objective of “corporate governance” itself .
For highlighted facets ref. >
CROSS refer >
< ‘Education’ in its profound sense is the most
fundamental of all fundamentals , and the most essential of all the necessities of life- that is, for living
the way ought to be lived. It is a
national tragedy that has remained to be realized, and pushed to the back row, rather
increasingly come to be unrealized with the passage of decades. In our so
dubbed modern times, the basic scheme of things that ought or continue to desirably have been in place, have been
unwittingly subjected to violent changes, mainly in an unprecedented
urge to keep in tune with the changing mindset
of humans.. To be precise, regardless of
the strata, society, family or any other of life situation an individual belongs to,
can only be classified into, and fall under ether of the two types: Literate illiterates, or illiterate
literates. To be precise, to call one ‘educated’ in its righteous sense is
tantamount to self-deceit.
In such a disgustingly degraded
or degenerated scenario/
environments, perhaps, if earnestly wish for to bringing about any
change for the better, whatever be its true measure, the only solution can lie in reading and
learning the first lessons, - not the traditional so called “3 rs “,from the
life books of our venerated old generation,. One that instantly comes to mind
is that of the ‘Educationist’ (‘Educator
‘) par excellence - A leaf from that real
life book is HERE: http://yabaluri.org/TRIVENI/CDWEB/radhakrishnantheeducationistapr96.htm >
The Fox and The Grapes! : Moral Stories : Short ... - English
www.english-for-students.com/The-Fox-and-The-Grapes-1.htmlHe wanted to eat the grapes. So, he jumped and jumped, but in vain. But he could not reach the grapes. So, the fox went away saying, “Those grapes are sour.!” ...
Aug 22
Taxes Committee (IDTC), Direct Taxes Committee (DTC), Committee of
International Taxation (CIT) and Committee on Public Finance and Government
Accounting (CPFGA) jointly brought an E-Flash on Amendment made by Finance Act
(No. 2), 2014 for the benefit of the members.
Indirect Taxes Committee (IDTC), Direct Taxes Committee (DTC),
Committee of International Taxation (CIT) and Committee on Public
Finance and Government Accounting (CPFGA) jointly brought an E-Flash on
Amendment made by Finance Act (No. 2), 2014 for the benefit of the
members (please click to open the link). - See more at:
Indirect Taxes Committee (IDTC), Direct Taxes Committee (DTC),
Committee of International Taxation (CIT) and Committee on Public
Finance and Government Accounting (CPFGA) jointly brought an E-Flash on
Amendment made by Finance Act (No. 2), 2014 for the benefit of the
members (please click to open the link). - See more at:
Indirect Taxes Committee (IDTC), Direct Taxes Committee (DTC),
Committee of International Taxation (CIT) and Committee on Public
Finance and Government Accounting (CPFGA) jointly brought an E-Flash on
Amendment made by Finance Act (No. 2), 2014 for the benefit of the
members (please click to open the link). - See more at:
No absolute right of an Advocate to have appearance in any Court – Gujarat HC
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