GST – still a distant dream?
<> The conclusion rightly charts the road map for GST, which has been under repair, since inception of the idea, with no noted progress.. Not at all surprising it is, being on the dotted lines; thanks to the polarized polity marked by the popular sport favoured by both the centre and the states; not infrequently by those accustomed to same side goal, with no regard to the national interests.
<><> To be forthright and honest, from individual’s standpoint, truthfulness of which has come to be more forcefully demonstrated by the events in recent times,- no party can be less blamed than another, for any development /progress or lack of it in any such subject matter of public policy. The debate whether or not party system is an evil or abolition of it would be a greater evil has been an endless one for years now, if not for decades. To recall a quotable quote from the most pregnant words of Jeremy Bentham (who lived far back in the 18th century) : “Not having the honour to be the Pope, I have no pretentions to infallibility, not having the honour to belong to any party, I am under no promise never to become wiser”.
Another memorable quote: “The time is gone when “congress” was a word to conjure with. It is curious that the English language has not been too kind to the* ruling party in India. The word “pro-gress” is almost the exact opposite of “con-gress”.
(*read in, -then))
(*read in, -then))
For enjoying the above, in its original form, contextual flavour, recommended to read in full the published Address of no less a great thinker and great visionary of our times, than Nani A Palkhivala
( delivered in April 1974 at the All India conference of Citizens for Democracy ; Source: WE. THE PEOPLE)
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