27 Apr 2013
<>Second Para -which is the third of the 3 classes referred to ?- unless 'interest' spoken of under 'honour fee'is a class by itself?
In this context, one remembers to have come across instances in which an overdraft facility-which is normally granted for 'working capital', also on the condition that all business receipts /collections should routed through the same overdraft account-being misused. Say,used for an extraneous or unauthorized purpose- e.g. investment in tax free bonds; despite banks being supposed to keep monitoring closely such accounts. What the law/case law says, or practice is ?- in other words, will the consequence be a mere 'penalty' or withdrawal and revocation once for all of the facility itself ?
A closer study of such intricate facets by law experts may be worth an attempt.
<>Second Para -which is the third of the 3 classes referred to ?- unless 'interest' spoken of under 'honour fee'is a class by itself?
In this context, one remembers to have come across instances in which an overdraft facility-which is normally granted for 'working capital', also on the condition that all business receipts /collections should routed through the same overdraft account-being misused. Say,used for an extraneous or unauthorized purpose- e.g. investment in tax free bonds; despite banks being supposed to keep monitoring closely such accounts. What the law/case law says, or practice is ?- in other words, will the consequence be a mere 'penalty' or withdrawal and revocation once for all of the facility itself ?
A closer study of such intricate facets by law experts may be worth an attempt.

Going by one's limited knowledge /understanding, the concept of 'equity' is simply as old as the 'common law'. And in a manner of speaking , equity itself is a common law doctrine evolved later, not separate or identifiable by any clear line of demarcation. Should that be so, some of the observations made wprt the Australian case law will require a further study in proper light and with due focus.
In the public domain, one finds any number of useful material; for instance,- @http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/128386/common-law/40227/Bracton-and-the-influence-of-Roman-law#toc40229