Tuesday, March 15, 2011

'NPAs' of Banks ? - Solace to STAKEHOLDERS

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http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/multimedia/dynamic/01793/xBL18_IF_Bank_downs_1793697b.jpg.pagespeed.ic.9p0wuifLOS.jpgFrom debt recovery tribunals to waivers to asset reconstruction companies to debt restructuring, practically every solution in the book has been tried to tame bad loans. And yet they continue to rise. NS Vageesh looks at the genesis of the problem and the way forward. »

Property prices cool, but home rents heat up

http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/multimedia/dynamic/01793/xBl18_pg1_table_NET_1793846b.jpg.pagespeed.ic.p50Q32zjxl.jpgProperty prices have cooled down significantly in the last one year. So, has this led to a lower rental bill for tenants? No, rents in most cities have increased in the last 12 months, with some localities even witnessing hikes of up to 20 per cent. »

How NBFCs rein in their bad debts

The economic slowdown has meant that non-performing loans of both deposit-taking and non-deposit-taking Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) have shot up over the past two years. But discipl... »

The borrower’s perspective

The regulatory environment has impacted cash flows and ability to service debt »

Main Dish:
Side Dish:
Spice - 

Why should the stakeholders (SH) worry at all! (A) So long as they are safe in the hands of – past masters or grandmasters – skilled players of the games , be it, – ‘passing the buck’ or ‘blind man’s’ buff’ (or bluff)- in common parlance known as – economists, financial experts or analysts, so on and so forth - running into an impressive long list. (B) Should even all of them not put up a good show at any given point in time-  any way, SH are in the safe hands of our elected men in governance – in readiness ever to ‘bail out’ – albeit , in the ultimate analysis, out of the ‘common kitty’ of ‘the people’!!    

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