< Ajay Shah's blog: Consumer protection in Indian finance ...
June 23
RTI- Banks to inform their guideline/regulations which requires CAs to certify project reports/ balance sheets
june 13th
<…/law-and-vs-case-law-on-flats-a-critical… >
Even before the BJP Government came to power, banking stocks had sky-rocketed on hopes of big-ba... »
Conversion of Cooperative society into Self
Reliant Cooperative Society
I India to get own version of class action lawsuits
Again, here has been no attempt made to throw light to
supply any clarity; but only renders the already commonly prevailing
confusion(s), worse confounded. Worthwhile to have a look at the original
'text' of the subject enactment (amendments) itself (not to be found, for reasons unknown, available in public domain) , in order to get to know on
a first hand basis, should the provisions as drafted / structured selves
suffer from deficiencies / lacunae !
Mention is made repetitively to, - 'law suits' ; but unclear whether that refers to regular proceedings before the Authority to be set up, just as /parallel to civil courts; and not before or corresponding to the extant consumer courts, as is imagined !
Is the lawyers' circle, by chance, better informed / equipped, to clarify?
There are laws on what collectors can say
or do, as top two debt buyers from the US recently found out
< Ajay Shah's blog: Consumer protection in Indian finance ...
itat on CAs' tax practice
Vijay V. Meghani vs. ACIT (MA By ICAI) (ITAT Mumbai)
Strictures passed against ICAI By ITAT for
alleged “deteriorating standards” and
“losing its grip over the Income tax matters”
toned down on the basis that they were made in the context
of a "hypothetical situation" and were not
"intended to criticize the functioning of the
The Income tax Appellate Tribunal, being a part of
Government of India, should not shut its eyes when it is
noticed that certain developments occurring in the Country
may affect the Country as a whole, more particularly when
the reputation of particular profession, from whom the
Tribunal is getting assistance in the dispensation of
justice, is at stake. Accordingly, we sincerely believe that
it is the bounden duty of not only the Tribunal, but also
the duty of one and all to point out and discuss about such
kind of developments, when it is noticed that the same may
affect the public at large. There cannot be any controversy
that the interest of our Country is Supreme and no citizen
can or should compromise on the same
June 23
RTI- Banks to inform their guideline/regulations which requires CAs to certify project reports/ balance sheets
june 13th
No Coercive Tax Recovery From Payer For TDS Default By Payee: CBDT
Cross refer: reiterated viewpoints On Glaring Lacunae in Sec 194IA , to reinforce :<…/law-and-vs-case-law-on-flats-a-critical… >
Better governance in PSBs
Radhika Merwin
British court slams Indian judiciary's slow pace - Times of India
I India to get own version of class action lawsuits
The latest media report (TOI) says, - ....
Reproduced below, on a selective basis, an important
feature of the improved consumer protection law in the offing, in which is
incorporated the welcome idea of ‘class action’:
As the term is usually defined, a class action suit is
one in which one or several persons sue on behalf of a larger group of persons,
referred to as "the class". However, the Indian version will not
allow individuals to sue on behalf of a larger group, but will empower an
authority to make rulings applicable to larger groups.
All those having a direct concern are obliged to sit up,
closely read and insight fully understand the not-so-obvious implications, of
the above cited wordings. Should one go by the wisdom gathered from past
experience, it is imperative to take a conscious note and be alive to the
inherent disadvantages and short comings in anyone or more individuals, -not
the entire group or a majority of them similarly placed and equally aggrieved,-
moving the court for remedy; that too, except under competent and reliable
expert advice/active assistance. Some of the hints provided in previous
comments may be looked into for useful guidance. That the Indian version “will
empower an authority to make rulings applicable to larger groups”, in any view,
may not be desirable, saving as an exception to the rule. And, in any case,
that might not be desirable /acceptable at all should any ruling in a given
case happen to be adverse to the consumers in common. As such, this as well as
all areas similarly of common concern require to be mindfully gone into and
suitable representations effectively made and diligently pursued, so as to
avert the otherwise possible consequence of the new enactment placing consumers
in an unenviable / worse position, than now.
Read more at:
Read more at:
Move aimed at bringing more products under the mandatory
standards regime....
and standards should become the hallmark of consumer services and products
The recent media reports have miserably over sighted and
failed to bring clarity to the aspect of most concern in 'housing' sector; that
is, whether or not, and to what extent /in which manner the newly mooted
consumer protection enactment is going to cover the product/services
manufactured and sold/provided by the players in the realty sector. And the need to so do, having in
the backdrop the disgusting fact of life that the
special State enactments -governing housing in the form of Flats / Apartments,- besides being mutually at variance in certain crucial
respects, are not, by and large, being implemented and enforced. Also that, in
the Regulatory enactment for the realty sector stuck in the pipeline for long,
no effective machinery for consumer protection and speedy remedy has been
contemplated and provided for. Anybody around equipped to share useful info., > ?!
Mention is made repetitively to, - 'law suits' ; but unclear whether that refers to regular proceedings before the Authority to be set up, just as /parallel to civil courts; and not before or corresponding to the extant consumer courts, as is imagined !
Is the lawyers' circle, by chance, better informed / equipped, to clarify?
4. . Html
BANKS (key links) >
· Aug 8, 2014 - Authority, through the
amendment to Consumer Protection Act, 1986, can ... M S Kamath,
secretary, Consumer Guidance Society of India said, ...
· Jan 26, 2015 - India Consumer Protection
Singh & Associates 26 Jan 2015. ... US Federal Trade Commission, known as
the Consumer Protection Authority.
4. . Html
BANKS (key links) >
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