Musings < Sporadic Jottings
Mar 22
Persistence is the key - Very much needed before the exams
# Commented
Star News :
Whither the nation is heading ?????????
Dissecting the Convergence of the Securities Markets and the Commodities Markets Regulators
Dissecting the Convergence of the Securities Markets and the Commodities Markets Regulators
Economic Survey 2014: GST seen as a major milestone for indirect tax reform
TARC to look into amalgamation of Direct & Indirect Tax Departments
Shome may clip taxman's powers - Deccan Chronicle
TARC releases its final report on tax administration reforms ...
Washington news
Federal Structure – underlying basic principle- Centre vs
State OR coordination, co-operation, concerted efforts, action, reforms with customer
Multiplying, laws, rules, regulations , standards,
powers, authorities, ...on one side X
mindset of individuals. Groups , set never bending, obedience to the unwritten
law becoming increasingly scarce on the other- a game of TUG OF WAR
Battle of wits X Battle of NO WITS but of EGO-
self-centric not public or society centric
Governmental action, Thoughts, conceptions – hanging,
mutually varying with no uniformity but fragmented, widely at loggerheads
Vesting X Divesting of Powers/Authority
Spl Committee(s)’-
Report (s) on Reforms- mutual incompatibility,
inconsistency, aberration, deviation, is it unavoidable or NOT
Profession- CA- regulatory or semi - or – self-regulatory
RBI clipped of, SEBI Augmented/ widened
SEBI merger with FMC
Shome – amalgamation of direct indirect tax
administrations – not enough home work done ?!
Not unconnected: SC
on NTT – struck down, though for different reasoning
Too many changes/departures from extant- ALL IN NAME OF
LESS GOVERNMENT but MORE GOVERNANCE - Is the objective a real thing vision based, so
as to expect to be accomplished, even in the long run period, even though not in foreseeable future
SHOULD CHOICE OR PREFERENCE BE to the proverbial logic
and wisdom based, rooted –
1 in HAND X 2 (guessed or believed- to- be)
in the bush
e.g . RTO
Whither heading?-
Control X Decontrol
Regulate x Dergulate
Centralise X Decentralise
(Karnataka e.g. > Govt to HC: Merger of CMCs was a disaster)
<A glaring instance this; of 'merger' of two (nay, more) local civic authorities, mindlessly gone ahead with, in the name of administrative reform, and late realization of the folly and its deplorable consequence of 'disaster'.
Any useful cue therefrom ?!
Centralise X Decentralise
(Karnataka e.g. > Govt to HC: Merger of CMCs was a disaster)
<A glaring instance this; of 'merger' of two (nay, more) local civic authorities, mindlessly gone ahead with, in the name of administrative reform, and late realization of the folly and its deplorable consequence of 'disaster'.
Any useful cue therefrom ?!
Key Note:
The laudable principle
underlying the basic objective, and at the root, of the host of the provisions
wisely enshrined in the constitution, in pith and substance, is, -of, by, and for
“the people”. The imponderable, requiring to be focused on, even at this late hour
(despite the moment of truth may be regarded to have come to the fore), is,- how
far and to what extent, that has been kept in mind, in leading/guiding the
nation, towards that end in sharp vision.
Spl. committees >
Swamilook: December 2013
Reforming the Regulatory Architecture of India's Financial ...
Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill: Third Report of ...
(UK Experience ?)CUTS Comments on the Report of the Committee for ...
(Global EXperience?)
Report of the Committee for Reforming the Regulatory ...
Monetary Policy Statement 2012-13 - India in Business
<> Should not ‘reforms’, of any kind, if were to be expected to serve the intended /avowed purpose, need
to be ideally conceived , – founded on principally , among others, - unbiased views, out-of-box, and inclusive considerations , multi-dimensional
vision/ outlook on humanity , compromise
on factors /facets conclusively proved to have been inevitable and beyond human control, 'will' as opposed to / despite
'wish' ?!
Cross Refer/TAG: Previous Blogs on ‘related’ topics
>Lawyers oppose draft bill on Legal Practitioners Act - The ... › Cities › Vijayawada
On CONSUMERISM (general)
On centralized or decentralized - articles
and decentralisation advantages disadvantages
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(Self, Intend to keep Adding / Updating)
Economic Survey 2014: GST seen as a major milestone for indirect tax reform
TARC to look into amalgamation of Direct & Indirect Tax Departments
March 26, 2014 |
Shome may clip taxman's powers - Deccan Chronicle
TARC releases its final report on tax administration reforms ...
>Lawyers oppose draft bill on Legal Practitioners Act - The ... › Cities › Vijayawada
On CONSUMERISM (general)
On centralized or decentralized - articles
Invitation, for the common good, to inspire , and mind and devote, further thoughts on the line of clues given, to inspire -
Open (free) To Edit
(Self, Intend to keep Adding / Updating)

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