Aug 31
Corporation Bank keen to ramp up CASA deposits
K R Srivats
Service tax proceedings - by Neeraj Kumar Giri
Depositors’ body flays banks’ move to charge for ATM use by non-customers
RBI, Banking Codes Standards Board intervention to thwart efforts The
All India Bank Depositors’ Association (AIBDA) has panned the proposal
by banks to deny customers the convenience of a ...
July 3
Public sector banks face identity crisis
Smaller banks should provide differentiated services, instead of doing what large ones can do better
If you have seen one, you have seen them all! So monochromatic are the commercial banks...
< "Public sector banks face identity crisis" - Giving a quick reading of the write-up , one is not clear as to where to find a justification for the 'title'. However, for a good measure, to react and add a related angle, - thus far one believed that it is only those on the other side of the fence, that is having any sort of dealing with PSBs, were being confronted with the problem of 'identity crisis'; in that, by and large, they had to try and work hard to have own 'personal identity', 'personal address', or the like, proved and established, to the last detail, to the 'subjective' satisfaction of the service provider. Now, to hear that it is the turn of PSBs themselves to be faced with a similar ordeal is, in any case, not soothing to the ears, or palatable to, the 'serviced community' ?!
Re Identity Crisis >
Rajendra Pratap Gupta shared a new resource in "Transform India with Modi".
Subject: National Security and Terrorism - Inputs on Root Causes.
Food for inquiry / introspection, ...: Is this totally unrelated, remotely or otherwise, to such crisis or the like irritant faced with even by common-men / nation's own citizens, with a recognized and commonly accepted social status, in day- to- day routine or other normal activities- e.g. opening of bank account, seeking renewal of a passport held for over a decade or more, obtaining driving license, so on .... ; not to mention delivery of couriered/hand delivered post ?
July 2
Advance tax: oil firms are top payers; banks, FMCG companies are laggards
The report that oil companies are a major contributor to the spurt in advance tax payment for the current fiscal has left the commoners in utterly, not b utterly bewilderment, if read against the threatening proposals to increase oil prices for consumers, having the potential to worsen the frightening inflation going out of control !
What really is the untold story behind the scene left unknown to the consumers at the receiving end !!
Economists haven’t understood inflation
High inflation remains a threat for economy: RBI
No room for populism: Jaitley
Rangarajan panel
submits report on poverty
< “We have RECOMMENDED a MECHANISM FOR MEASUREMENT of poverty. This will HELP the Government in ESTIMATING the level of poverty in the country,” Rangarajan told Business Line. "
C : Hopefully, without having to go into the details, wishful thinking of one and all concerned could only be that the men in governance, need to be guided more by the principle of Optimism of the WILL , in preference to,- of own 'intelligence' (pessimism of ); and should, not stop short of, but take it to a logical expectation and righteous conclusion.
June 29
Keep the reforms flowing
june 27
One is reminded of Lord Keynes
quoted to have said:
“Men will do the rational thing
but only after exploring all other alternatives.”
The RBI chief has, not for the
first time, given a clarion "Call for better monetary policy COORDINATION
AT GLOBAL LEVEL" The underlying realization, after all other alternatives
have dismally failed, though late, may hopefully not be too late to go ahead
with but be acted upon giving the topmost priority to the end of taming to some extent the
frightfully gloomy threat of 'inflation'. That, as anyone may imagine or
visualize, has to be inevitably done,
strictly adhering to, not straying away from, the known wisest principle of all
well as collectively).
More >
<><> John Maynard Keynes Quotes - BrainyQuote
June 26
Posted: 25 Jun 2014 07:12 AM PDT
By Accommodation Times News Service Chief Minister Prithviraj
Chavan has offered a solution to the residents Campa Cola that will
ensure the 96 illegal flats are not demolished and they return to legal
flats. CM has showed willingness o take the opinion of solicitor-general
Ranjit Kumar and advocate-general Darius Khambata […]
June 21
‘Treat foreign investment of 10%-plus in listed firms as FDI’
Outlay below that is foreign portfolio investment, says Mayaram panel
To remove the ambiguity in the definition of foreign direct investment, a Government panel has s...
»economy (general) | foreign direct investment | government | ministers (government) | policy | politics | government |
An overhaul of FDI policy is the need of the hour
The new government needs to go the extra mile to attract investments »Jaitley holds pre-budget talks with financial sector regulators
For better or worse
A year after the floods wreaked havoc, change is afoot in Uttarakhand and yet little has changed
Fight to save Campa Cola Society
Frightful Poser: Have all those ideal but not unknown concepts such as,- 'milk of human kindness', 'humanitarian values/ behavior', 'balance of convenience', so on, have become totally irrelevant, to be eschewed as out of date hence forgotten once for all.
A couple of published letters in the media , years ago, call for a re-look into.
June 17
Avoid retro tax law as a principle: Shome panel
Proposes abolishing the post of Revenue Secretary
Retrospective amendment to tax laws should be avoided as a principle, the Parthasarathi Shome co...
»june 14
What it takes to be the preferred print media partner
Print media needs to go beyond playing the price card to continue to win advertising spend
While print continues to be looked upon very favourably by advertisers for a number of re... »june 13
The two-minute world
Rising incomes, a larger western influence and the EMI culture have
ensured that the erstwhile FMCG definition of ‘instant gratification’ is
now applicable to automobiles, durables, mobiles and more
Remember the recent ads from e-commerce sites? In select areas of major metros of India, e-comme... »Jun 12
Tanya thomas
When economists watch football
A weekly column that helps you ask the right questions
Which economists would these be?The ones at Goldman Sachs, who earlier this w... »
"Football' and the game which economists are by and large fond of playing have, in one's view, a thing/factor in common .- that is beyond human comprehension / control, so known 'chances'. As often observed, for example when an economist is asked for his honest opinion on any point , even in a crisis situation, which an expert alone is believed to be competent to answer or provide a useful clue, invariably the pet stock phrase spontaneously used to prefix his answer is, 'i think', - at best, repeated times over; though to the delight of august enthralled audience . You now think ! - could it be , by any chance, truly expected to be , at any time, any different !
New Manager
New insight into old problems
Glasgow B-school holds a Refresher Day to arm managers with relevant tools
For most managers, formal management education usually ends with an MBA. But in a complex... »
<> If critically looked into, or
better ‘through’, there is prima facie
a fallacy in saying or believing that 'old' problems remain so but what is
called for is simply a 'new insight'. In other words, over a period, with the
ever changing environments, social life, technology, so on, it is bound to be
realized that once 'old' problems are not the same but have glowingly assumed
and perennially undergone drastic changes , of such a magnitude beyond
recognition, so much so become entirely 'new ' problems. Is other words, the
skill of a MBA or any other for example an economist, a lawyer, or a CA ,
essentially lies in firstly recognizing and intimately knowing the said fact of
life, being mainly the social or socio-econimic changes, in the form/name of developments, etc., being the mainly contributing factors, in order to evolve a suitable strategy
as to how best to take on, tackle and resolve satisfactorily. It may not be out
of context to draw attention to one such way out as found embodied in the
principle (of interpretation) lately evolved in the legal regime- graphically denoted
but commonly applied "updating construction". Perhaps, same or
similar technique , if applied, could help in finding solutions to problems ,
once old, but now new because of its changing/changed complexion.
- blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/
A city more zilla than Godzilla. ... To make the city more user-friendly, ... Bachi Karkaria's Erratica and its cheeky sign-off character, ...
<> First on the agenda is to know our immediate neighbors, be considerate about shared spaces, and put the ‘cooperative’ back into the housing society. Today, low-intensity conflict flaring into full-scale war marks the lowliest and the swankiest of colonies. The slum fight over the common water-tap finds its come-uppance in the penthouse owner refusing to do anything about his over-the-top bathroom messing up the flat below.
cross refer >
Withdraw amendments to Multi-State Co-op Act: Sahakar
NDA committed to revive all development projects: Venkaiah Naidu
Ignorance is never bliss
In an increasingly multicultural world, there are no more excuses
In these days of multiple information platforms, there’s no excuse for ignorance, the sort that...
<> Forget SRK's personal experience at an international airport; look into
what is happening to everyone else, all around , to mostly falling
under the ordinary category of 'aam aadmi' - 'common' man. That is an
ongoing but disgusting experience - when is required to prove or
establish his own individual identity - proof of 'person' and his
'address'. Is it not insanely absurd even when a modern day-
professional or nonprofessional - 'courier (akin to olden day postman)
knocking at your own door to deliver, demanding address proof. proof of
personal identity, besides also insisting to sign on a handheld
contrivance? To be recognized as a live human, the very minimum expected
is to be on 'face book'; else not treated as one having a face. Whither
is the mankind heading ?! All these tomfoolery tried to be justified
but vainly saying for 'security' , reasons of abundant caution, so on.
may make the tax climate conducive, spur investments
<> "....urged the Finance Minister to withdraw retrospective amendments (in
income tax law)..."
As rightly stressed, the time of the hour has come to cry a halt /
resist from the enduring inborn tendency and the urge nurtured and
sustained for too long a time, to mindlessly resort to amendments of
laws retroactively, by the legislature , and favorable leaning by the
administrators / execut- ors(ives) alike. Likewise, a serious note is required
to be taken of another dangerous trend that has, unwittingly or
otherwise, lately crept into the law regime, this time in the course of
adjudication of tax dispute by the judiciary. In brief, Just as
impulsive legislation, impulsive adjudication , one would urge, ought to
be eschewed. The instance that deserves to be devoutly looked into is
the SC judgment in Podar Cement Ltd.'s case . For knowing more, the
published critique (available on websites and elsewhere) might be gone through, to be worth
the bother.
Managing in tough times
New system may spell end for passwords
For a detestable comparison, read this >
Bank wrote:
on RBI recommendations, our Bank has introduced additional security feature, IP
Validation, for our Internet Banking users [Retail/Corporate] .
a customer logs into the net banking, the first 5 IP addresses from which the
customer logs in, will be captured by the system.
case the customer logs in from any other IP address, other than the captured 5
IP addresses, an OT P would be sent to the customers’ registered mobile number
and the customer would be allowed login on entering the OTP.
mobile number registered in our database is ....
The customer has logged in from the below IP
Based on RBI recommendations, our Bank has introduced additional security feature, IP Validation, for our Internet Banking users [Retail/Corporate] .
IP Address
Ø If the customer tries to login from
any IP address which is listed above, no validation is required.
Upon entering the User ID and Password, the
customer will be directed to the Home page.
Ø In case, the customer logs in from
any other IP address, he/she will be prompted to enter the OTP sent to his
registered Mobile Number.
Ø He/she will be directed to Home Page
only after successful validation of the OTP.
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