Bill Moyers with Jim Hightower: Grass Roots Grow Against Greed

Does anyone know where self is heading ????!!!!

Sorry! At the first blush, left totally dismayed, nonplussed !!
Is not, in the ultimate analysis, what one is left with is simply imponderables , in-comprehensive to the core, with no clue about what it is all about. Consider each one of the high sounding prima facie prophetical, but mind teasing words, such as,- 'Immersive' , 'virtual reality', 'another life in a different world', so on, - may be, except, perhaps, the only exclusion being the extremely privileged 'super brains' behind !
Inside: >>
BL (assorted)
As stock market traders log on to their terminals once again, hoping to turn a quick profit from... »
Not Unrelated >
Cabinet secretariat asks departments to identify UPA policy blunders
Bachi Karkaria: Polls over, we return to resounding emptiness
The trouble is that we have a very wrong notion of humility; we associate it with timidity, self-effacement and lowliness in its worst sense! This is not true! For if you recall the Beatitudes, they begin with the assertion: “Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit this earth.” Jesus anticipates the modern management experts I told you about, when he points out that humility is the hallmark of the most successful people whom he has singled out to “inherit this earth”.
When Jesus’s disciples got into an argument over who was holy and who would get places in heaven, Jesus said to them: ‘Whosoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whosoever of you desires to be first, shall be the slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to sacrifice His life as a ransom for many.’
Let us ask ourselves: How many of us will be prepared to accept such a role? How many of us will do our best, in our allotted sphere of life, without worrying about ‘greatness’, ‘fame’, and ‘popularity’? Let’s bring humility back to the forefront; let us benefit from this noble virtue.
< A Leaf From Book of 'LIFE'
I. CAG on sidelines
Bill Moyers with Jim Hightower: Grass Roots Grow Against Greed

Does anyone know where self is heading ????!!!!
Unreal estate | |
Immersive virtual reality will allow you to live another life in a different world | |
It is anyone's guess as to what is the topic of the long winding write-up and what is the lead intended to be given to the rest- particularly to the common readers at large!
What precisely is 'real' or 'unreal'? Is there not a cavernous and unfathomable gap in understanding the real thing in the concept of 'real', by the humanity ?? Has not the quest , nay the perennial struggle, to find , much less truly realize, a profoundly 'real' and anywhere close to foolproof answer, that could stand the tests of the ever changing world, has been evading,- not to speak of those venerable sages, - the very nature given faculties, e.g. 'intelligence' that has come to be measured by so called or so- claimed-to-be innovation of "IQ"???
Inside: >>
@'nitin'- Oh ! that then must
be, as guessed, the 'SB' (behind), that has chosen to go off at a tangent !! Thought (?)
invited comment was on 'the Article' ; not on someone else's comment. Yes! For
any stranger, to 'edit', suggested like sounding nameds' grammar book alone
might not help; Instead, would suggest, rather sincerely recommend, to go back to the
elementary, first lessons in, other avenues, particularly the 3 'R' s. Also for a delightful / enlightening change, why not
read books of other writers as well; to be 'definite', e.g. P.G. Wodehouse.
a quixot, your use of articles is perplexing ... not sure an edit would
have helped. I would suggest wren & martin.
BL (assorted)
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Banks create NPAs by not helping out borrowers on time. Then, they pass the buck to asset reconstruction companies
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1 comment
read in between lines, with clarity in
thinking, some of the observations seem to unmistakably point to a highly
objectionable , unethical practice largely in vogue - that is, 'window
dressing'. To say it differently, most of the policies and remedial measures
conceived of and sought to be implemented have miserably failed, or proved
ineffective, to strike at the root of the melody, imperviously or impudently called NPAs. Suggested innovative ideas, if
not incisively considered from a multidimensional angle / long range vision,
with proper focus on and the supervening practicalities, before venturing to giving
shape, through legislative, regulatory or other measures, could not, as wisdom
gathered in hindsight go to reveal. be expected to result in any marked
improvement, It may not be out of context to invite attention to a few SC
cases, in which the judiciary had to come to the rescue, by not necessarily or
strictly following the “rules book”; that is, because of the faulty practices
indulged in by 'vested interests' in blatant violation thereof.
hint at, one has in mind the SC cases, e.g. – the ruling against the notorious
'GPA sales', adjudication for resolving the income-tax issue in re. Podar
Cement, and for settling bank’s proceedings to loan recovery in re. Hill Properties.
The common thread running through in those cases is that the varying kind of
related disputes al happen to be centered / arising out of transactions in (the
modern day concept of) 'units' (flats/apartments). The special area covered in
those court cases do deserve a concerted study by the property /tax experts, for the
purpose of being useful/proper guidance to the stake holders; and in turn, for the ultimate of all, - societal welfare as a whole.
Not Unrelated >
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It’s a clear mandate for development
Now, the Government must live up to the people’s expectations and focus on implementation, inflation and investment
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It’s a clear mandate for development
No doubt, by
and large, the largely obtaining wishful thinking soon after the
dramatic change in the political scenario, is mostly oriented towards
'improving ' and 'augmenting' the avenues/resources of relevance for
the national economy. With the same breath, it needs to be added,
'money' or more and more money, with no limit whatsoever, alone can provide no real solution for
bringing about the long wanting but persistently ignored, improvement
in the quality of life / of the living conditions of humanity . That
can be expected to happen provided the whole exercise, covering all
aspects / facets of life, begins at home; and is devotedly aimed at self-improvement,
in its profound and the most comprehensive sense. In short, the hope
for a better future lies, to a greater extent, in self-discipline , with every importance attached
to obedience to , not only the 'written' (i.e. man mad), law, but also,
-as very rightly and pithily termed by a great visionary of our own
times, - the 'unwritten law'- the law of the sublime SUPREME.
Relate(d) These ?!
Cabinet secretariat asks departments to identify UPA policy blunders
Bachi Karkaria: Polls over, we return to resounding emptiness
Humility Is Very Necessary For Leaders - Speakingtree.in www.speakingtree.in/spiritual.../humility-is-very-necessary-for-leaders $
The trouble is that we have a very wrong notion of humility; we associate it with timidity, self-effacement and lowliness in its worst sense! This is not true! For if you recall the Beatitudes, they begin with the assertion: “Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit this earth.” Jesus anticipates the modern management experts I told you about, when he points out that humility is the hallmark of the most successful people whom he has singled out to “inherit this earth”.
When Jesus’s disciples got into an argument over who was holy and who would get places in heaven, Jesus said to them: ‘Whosoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whosoever of you desires to be first, shall be the slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to sacrifice His life as a ransom for many.’
Let us ask ourselves: How many of us will be prepared to accept such a role? How many of us will do our best, in our allotted sphere of life, without worrying about ‘greatness’, ‘fame’, and ‘popularity’? Let’s bring humility back to the forefront; let us benefit from this noble virtue.
< A Leaf From Book of 'LIFE'
I. CAG on sidelines
Vinayak Chatterjee: CAG's ambit: A fine balance between public & private space |
VISIONS, so on >>>
India Inc.;
et al
For two-thirds of a century,
the Congress has occupied pole position in Indian politics. That has now
changed; the party has shrivelled to less than a tenth of the Lok Sabha, and
Narendra Modi's triumphant Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is now the truly
national party.
Top industry leaders lay out
their issues, priorities
India Inc waits for reforms tsunamiWishlist for new PM includes growth boosters, reining in inflation, faster project clearance and reversal of Land Acquisition Act |
The Great Indian Circus! Joke - Jokes and Anecdotes
The Great Indian Circus - The Times of India Jug
· Can't justice delivery system work 365 days? Chief
Justice ...
ency of court cases, that has already reached a 'monstrous', nay
threateningly astronomical magnitude, most certainly, requires to be
taken on and tackled with all possible measures could be thought of. No
doubt, the suggested measure could be one. But the pendency alone is
not the worrisome or bewildering aspect. Further, quantity of disposal should not , by
any reasoning, be ventured, at the cost of quality of justice expected
of. Some of the other aspects calling for suitable and truly intelligent measures,
to squarely deal / meet with the inherent menace at its root, are, -
an earnest attempt to minimize by discouraging ligation strictly coming
within the categories - mindless and misguided , repetitive, lawyer
stimulated, last but not the least- stimulated and nurtured by men
entrusted with policy - and -law making functions, not barring those in
governance, the bureaucrats. Ideally equipped 'leaders' in the
law profession , with a public-centric mindset, as opposed to leaning
to and contributing to any more commercialization of the
still-believed-to-be a noble avocation, have a constructive role to play. In short, the malady could be
hoped to be remedied in the foreseeable future, provided there is profound altruistic wish and will, combined with
concerted effort and co-operation inter se / jointly by all of them.
vs. Estate of Late HMM Vikramsinghji of Gondal (Supreme Court)
issues adjudicated upon, just as the related legislation governing the age-old
concept of ‘trusts’, so also the Snell’s Principles of Equity the apex court
has followed for a final adjudication of the tax dispute, all date back to not just
years but decades. If critically looked
at, and cared to reflect on, these prima facie, - subject to a detailed investigation of or probe into
the peculiar facts of each one of such cases-, go to amply demonstrate the
inescapable historical reality surrounding the notorious pendency of court
litigation, which has lately been lamented by no less a dignitary than the present
CJI to have assumed a monstrous’ magnitude. The utmost urgency with which the
menace has to be taken on and tackled needs no special emphasis or painful
elaboration. Unless that is done mindfully keeping in full focus the root
causes and suitable effective steps taken/ systemic deficiencies plugged in ,
there appears to be no hope for any marked improvement in the foreseeable future. Some own independent thoughts are shared through posted comment on media
report titled, - CJI wants courts to stay open all 365 days - The Times of India
Having miserably failed to
resist the inborn temptation, but yielding with the best of altruistic intentions, and seeking safe refuge
in the fact that it is a ltowering egal legend of our own times who said:
“Lord Justice Knight Bruce
cynically observed in an administration suit that “the estate will be divided
in the usual way among the solicitors”. A contested case in which eminent
counsel was engaged is the luxury of the rich or the refuge of despair. It
often spells run to the average citizen. Voltaire used to say that he was ruined
twice in his life- once when he lost a law-suit and once when he won a law
in the most famous of all
soliloquies, “the law’s delay” is placed by Shakespeare among the chief ills of
human life....”
(Beg to borrow from a published speech
of Palkhivala in the Govt. Law College, Bombay- year 1948; Source: Book, “WE,
side dish
ency of court cases, that has already reached a 'monstrous', nay
threateningly astronomical magnitude, most certainly, requires to be
taken on and tackled with all possible measures could be thought of. No
doubt, the suggested measure could be one. But the pendency alone is
not the worrisome or bewildering aspect. Further, quantity of disposal should not , by
any reasoning, be ventured, at the cost of quality of justice expected
of. Some of the other aspects calling for suitable and truly intelligent measures,
to squarely deal / meet with the inherent menace at its root, are, -
an earnest attempt to minimize by discouraging ligation strictly coming
within the categories - mindless and misguided , repetitive, lawyer
stimulated, last but not the least- stimulated and nurtured by men
entrusted with policy - and -law making functions, not barring those in
governance, the bureaucrats. Ideally equipped 'leaders' in the
law profession , with a public-centric mindset, as opposed to leaning
to and contributing to any more commercialization of the
still-believed-to-be a noble avocation, have a constructive role to play. In short, the malady could be
hoped to be remedied in the foreseeable future, provided there is profound altruistic wish and will, combined with
concerted effort and co-operation inter se / jointly by all of them.
CWT vs. Estate of Late HMM Vikramsinghji of Gondal (Supreme Court)
issues adjudicated upon, just as the related legislation governing the age-old
concept of ‘trusts’, so also the Snell’s Principles of Equity the apex court
has followed for a final adjudication of the tax dispute, all date back to not just
years but decades. If critically looked
at, and cared to reflect on, these prima facie, - subject to a detailed investigation of or probe into
the peculiar facts of each one of such cases-, go to amply demonstrate the
inescapable historical reality surrounding the notorious pendency of court
litigation, which has lately been lamented by no less a dignitary than the present
CJI to have assumed a monstrous’ magnitude. The utmost urgency with which the
menace has to be taken on and tackled needs no special emphasis or painful
elaboration. Unless that is done mindfully keeping in full focus the root
causes and suitable effective steps taken/ systemic deficiencies plugged in ,
there appears to be no hope for any marked improvement in the foreseeable future. Some own independent thoughts are shared through posted comment on media
report titled, - CJI wants courts to stay open all 365 days - The Times of India
Having miserably failed to
resist the inborn temptation, but yielding with the best of altruistic intentions, and seeking safe refuge
in the fact that it is a ltowering egal legend of our own times who said:
“Lord Justice Knight Bruce
cynically observed in an administration suit that “the estate will be divided
in the usual way among the solicitors”. A contested case in which eminent
counsel was engaged is the luxury of the rich or the refuge of despair. It
often spells run to the average citizen. Voltaire used to say that he was ruined
twice in his life- once when he lost a law-suit and once when he won a law
in the most famous of all
soliloquies, “the law’s delay” is placed by Shakespeare among the chief ills of
human life....”
(Beg to borrow from a published speech
of Palkhivala in the Govt. Law College, Bombay- year 1948; Source: Book, “WE,
Searches related to majoritarian democracy
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