July 4
May 15
Bank union flays RBI panel report
< previous
Indian CFOs — by the new rule-book
The term may not lend itself to
understanding the evolution of Indian business »
Crony X (or) Phoney - What Precisely IT IS ???!!!!
In one's independent perspective, this write-up, a run-of-the -mill kind, has attempted to bring to focus yet again, more than one key modern -times ideas/concepts , - not simply the concept of 'related party' as borne out. In the order of the stakeholders'” the most” concern, to say so, - 'capital' with an imaginary 'C' , Form x Substance, Transparency X 'More' transparency, inter-dependence X Independence in 'governance', and other likes. But with the same breath, as implicitly acknowledged, with an unmistakable tone of pessimism ,-"Once the new Companies Act 2013 comes into effect, you may be able TO DO SOMETHING about cases like these." (FONT supplied).
July 4
Knee-jerk solutions
Invoking the Essential Commodities Act and clamping export restrictions on potatoes and onions will not address food inflation
One must appreciate the urgency and seriousness with which this government is seeking to deal wit...
"Knee-jerk solutions" obviously meaning "knee-jerk" remedial action / steps , as seem to have been rightly pointed out, will possibly prove not as effective as planned; bur on the contrary turn out to be counter-productive. In short, may yield results causing knee-jerk to those seeking to find solutions themselves. in this context, one is provoked to recall with remorse that historically, even by declaring the most public-centric services of all as 'essential services', e.g. banking , decades ago, nothing much worth even a passing mention is remembered to have been really accomplished. For instance, bank strikes off and on called by thje unions ,many times on the drop of a hat, in recent times has only left the national economy impaired/crippled, besides causing havoc/discomfiture to the people dealing with banks , including industries, and what not.
May 15
India Inc needs to redefine its
understanding of the meaning of innovation »
Entrepreneurship is coming of age
in India, with a new breed of ‘creative’ businessman
<> " with angel investors?
Pardon ! Did you mean to say or said to mean, - 'angling' for ...
Life on earth is full to the brim - a comedy of errors , unending and unfathomable !
Indian CFOs — by the new rule-book
< ............
Nothing comes free in this world! Along with all the importance
gained, now CFOs are made responsible and liable for penalty and/or prosecution
for non-compliance with various provisions of the Act such as maintenance of
books of account, preparation & filing of annual accounts, disclosure of
financial information in offer documents, risk management, internal control
Closer scrutiny
The National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) has the power to investigate matters of professional misconduct committed by individual members or the firms of Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants or Company Secretaries under the respective Acts governing them. So, CFOs, who are professionals, will also come under the NFRA lens, as members of these professional bodies.
The National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) has the power to investigate matters of professional misconduct committed by individual members or the firms of Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants or Company Secretaries under the respective Acts governing them. So, CFOs, who are professionals, will also come under the NFRA lens, as members of these professional bodies.
There is absolutely no doubt that the Indian Companies Act, 2013
expects a lot from CFOs and thrusts various responsibilities and obligations on

Crony X (or) Phoney - What Precisely IT IS ???!!!!
To fittingly repeat:
In one's independent perspective, this write-up, a run-of-the -mill kind, has attempted to bring to focus yet again, more than one key modern -times ideas/concepts , - not simply the concept of 'related party' as borne out. In the order of the stakeholders'” the most” concern, to say so, - 'capital' with an imaginary 'C' , Form x Substance, Transparency X 'More' transparency, inter-dependence X Independence in 'governance', and other likes. But with the same breath, as implicitly acknowledged, with an unmistakable tone of pessimism ,-"Once the new Companies Act 2013 comes into effect, you may be able TO DO SOMETHING about cases like these." (FONT supplied).
In one's independent perspective, this write-up, a run-of-the -mill kind, has attempted to bring to focus yet again, more than one key modern -times ideas/concepts , - not simply the concept of 'related party' as borne out. In the order of the stakeholders'” the most” concern, to say so, - 'capital' with an imaginary 'C' , Form x Substance, Transparency X 'More' transparency, inter-dependence X Independence in 'governance', and other likes. But with the same breath, as implicitly acknowledged, with an unmistakable tone of pessimism ,-"Once the new Companies Act 2013 comes into effect, you may be able TO DO SOMETHING about cases like these." (FONT supplied).
To whom it is so nonchalantly addressed (i.e. who is (are)the one(s)
so expected TO (take the lead, and) DO)
and what is that 'SOMETHING' hoped for, are, as ever, left to anyone’s
own guess, or for the future to tell - that is what is otherwise known as,
obedience to - "Unwritten Law
"; as opposed to man-made laws, the new company law being no exception.
Deficit worry? Banks told to remit TDS by month-end
.. »
In one's independent perspective, this write-up, a run-of-the -mill kind, has attempted to bring to focus yet again, more than one key modern -times ideas/concepts , - not simply the concept of 'related party' as borne out. In the order of the stakeholders'” the most” concern, to say so, - 'capital' with an imaginary 'C' , Form x Substance, Transparency X 'More' transparency, inter-dependence X Independence in 'governance', and other likes. But with the same breath, as implicitly acknowledged, with an unmistakable tone of pessimism ,-"Once the new Companies Act 2013 comes into effect, you may be able TO DO SOMETHING about cases like these." (FONT supplied).
To whom it is so nonchalantly addressed (i.e. who is (are)the one(s)
so expected TO (take the lead, and) DO)
and what is that 'SOMETHING' hoped for, are, as ever, left to anyone’s
own guess, or for the future to tell - that is what is otherwise known as,
obedience to - "Unwritten Law
"; as opposed to man-made laws, the new company law being no exception.
<>One will be making a heinous mistake, offending own not -so
-obvious but that invisible SOMETHING called 'conscience', if no mention is made of the most-powerful-
but inherently obnoxious/patently
ignominious idea/ treacherous concept that has been brought to play a
supervening /dominantly vexing role in
the matter of formulation of
financial policies , and law or
rule making functions of the 'government' - THAT IS "deeming" - That
is a concept that so far found a place
in the laws/rules made, has lately been stealthily introduced in the basic law-
THE CONSTITUTION. The propriety of which, unquestionably dubious, has remained to be questioned , -none knows
for how long ! One such instance is the Amendment of the Constitution only with a view to enable/ object of empowering the government to levt VAT and Service tax on a transaction of pure and simple 'sale' of immovable/building property by treating it as one comprising a deemed sale of 'goods' and for provision of service.
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