November 12
‘Tax havens are all but over’
Pascal Saint-Amans is Director of the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration at the Organisation for Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris. A French national, Saint-Amans joined the... »
November 12
‘Tax havens are all but over’
Latest on Tax Evasion en route Swiss Bank A/C s >
Nigam Nuggehalli: Artful dodges in Swiss tax pacts
Crux of < The exchange of information provision in the DTAA depends on the Indian revenue department's ability to identify potential tax defaulters and seek more information from the Swiss authorities. The wording of the provision deliberately mentions that any exchange of information must be pursuant to an investigation and requires the Indian authorities to furnish proof that the information requested is "foreseeably relevant" to tax evasion by an Indian national. While there is no doubt that Indian revenue authorities would, in fact, make use of this exchange of information provision, their ability to investigate and target the biggest tax defaulters, among them potentially powerful political figures, is in doubt.>
17th July
Compliance Function in Banks: Back to the basics
RBI penalises 22 Banks for violation of KYC / AML norms
RBI penalises 22 Banks for violation of KYC / AML norms
How shell companies turn black money of India Inc, politicians into white and vice versa
By Avinash Celestine, ET Bureau | 7 Jul, 2013, 06.47AM IST
READ MORE ON » Sunday ET | shell companies | money laundering | investments | indian economy | India Inc |Income Tax Appellate Tribunal
A Sample Comment:
Saniag (London)
7 Days ago
Most of the money printing is done by the RBI to suit the interests of financial, industrial and real estate companies, so they come out black straight out of the printing presses. This concern about black money is hyped-up, why are people working themselves up into a feverish rage, when they don't know how money comes into being, and for whose benefit.
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A WORLD (NATION?) full of contradictions AND Unending Controversies - In modern times, when people think of and talk about 'mono rail' , no WONDER single track mindedness has overtaken the ageold technique of Double Track ?
With good governance, fiscal deficit is irrelevant
We’ve only just begun
Counter View >
Koodankulam a looming nuclear disaster?
<><>Why this slowdown is here to stay
Key NOte: Nothing preposterous than self-contradiction by anyone ????? that simply means and signifies - no coherence in thinking or saying !!!!
@ Anyone really or frightfully interested on the increasingly sensational topic of the times, - TAX HAVENS - beyond the national borders, may KEEP READING ON, .... only to eventually be convinced or have the feeling of comfort over the obtaining facts of life -ours is, by any yardstick,in good company globally; though cannot boast itself to have the pride of place/ being one of the top few ranking in the prestigious list of socalled Tax Dodgers >>
- <>100 of UK's richest people concealing billions in offshore tax havens ...
The net closes in on super rich tax dodgers: Spies expose how ...
Tax haven probe by U.S., UK and Australia to give Ottawa Canada ...
Global tax dodgers exposed -
Tax haven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia its December 2008 report on the use of tax havens by American .....
Top 25 Corporate Tax Dodgers - CBS News
Close Corporate Tax Loopholes | U.S. PIRG
The new legislation will treat income that companies list in tax haven countries as ...closing offshore tax loopholes should be at the top of every lawmaker's list.
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