Monday, July 29, 2013

ET - Sec 10 (10AA) of IT Act ; et al

This write-up makes a note of the commonly known deductions available but at times over sighted to be claimed by taxpayers.
In this context, it may be worthwhile to draw attention to a very significant non-taxable payment by employer; but both employer and employee unwittingly or otherwise fail to exclude it. That is the cash payment known as ‘leave encashment’ and specifically provided in section 10 (10AA) of the IT Act as income not includible in taxable income.
If scouted around,  instances may be found  not wanting in which employer, particularly also in key sectors such as, the IT Sector, not cared  to know hence failed to take into account the said tax exemption ab initio for the purpose of tax withholding  (TDS);  besides, failing even  to clearly make a specific mention of such payment on the face of Form 16. . So much so, exemption omitted to be claimed by employees  in the tax returns as well. That is observed to happen even if employee ‘s  tax return has been prepared by a practising professional  e.g. a CA in tax practice.
For anyone of them to know the scope of the subject exemption , besides closely  reading and understanding the provision,   also need to keep in focus inter alia, - (A) the legislative history of the changes made as discussed and elucidated in decided court cases (e.g. (1998) 98 TAXMAN 138 (BOM.), in re.  D.P. Malhotra); and (B) more importantly, the helpful underlying implications of the first Proviso to the sub-clause (i) thereof.

 click here

Saturday, July 27, 2013

ITR V Ack. - requirement to send to CPC a signed print out of- Its attendant woes

Read >

What is ITR-V, Time Limit, where to submit and what if not submitted within time on TaxGuru!

Also Read besides,of others, following comment:

Despite indications, the requirement of forwarding to the CPC the system generated ITR V, signed, still remains to be dispensed with. This is a requirement which is believed to be to ensure the ‘authenticity’ of the filed return. As common sense should dictate the said reason does not seem to hold water. Besides, that failure to file and get an ack.(there could be many slips between the cup and the lip) would have the dire consequence of being treated as a case of no -return -filed and hence filing of a return once more is a must verges on a ‘no-sense’ compulsion. Once the system produced Ack. No. is received and in possession of tax payer, to be produced if and when so required specifically, the return filed and on record ought not to be as ‘no-return’, but be considered as an authentic one, with no attendant consequence whatsoever. What needs to be noted is that is really so and will be in parity with in regard to return used to be manually filed but for the new mandate of e’filing. In this context, the mindless litigation /court case reported* not long ago has left taxpayers with a bitter memory. In that case, the department with no rhyme or sane reason stuck to its stance/gun; albeit on its own admission, a return had been filed, it was so repeatedly affirmed, and reiterated to have been filed by a leading law firm, and was very much on record.
It is high time that the Revenue , in such matters, gives up its hyper-technical attitude once for all but evinces a sense of fair play for the benefit of by and large honest tax paying community.


@Amit, Panchal,…

A look at the department’s website, on – “ITR-V Do’s Don’ts”, that “a sealed A-4 envelope” is a must finds no mention.
Instead, what is mentioned is that “Only A-4 white paper should be used”

The author of the write-up may please check and clarify. Also this anamoly may have to be pinpointed to the Department. That should help and go a long way in saving those tax payers from any unwarranted harssment should the ITR-V be reported to be “Not Received” despite it having been sent but because of having been sent in a smaller envelope.

No need to add :This is just one of the woes being faced with by the taxpayers in the aftermath of the setup of so called – CPC, exemplarrily noted and marked with incompleteness and deficiencies galore.

If perceptively observed, in today’s context,in which the social evils such as perjury,forging signatures and supposed -to-be legal documents, so on, have come to be in vogue alarmingly, the sanity or otherwise of the emphasis placed by the Department on the simplicitic requirement of a signed ITR-V to be brought on record , by any standard, ought to be given a second look and dispensed with; sooner the better.

For that matter, knowing the widely predvailing corrupt mindsets/ prasctices, perhaps, even requitement to affix a ‘digital signature’ on tax retrn, etc., may not prove, contrary to the underlying belief of beauracts, a safe-proof or foolproof safeguard against the anticipated “incompleteness” in mind.

> Over to technocrats for any profoundly useful feedback or suggestions to protect the Revenue but at the same time with the least discomfiture to the honest taxpayers.

  1. *M/S. Crawford Bayley & Co vs Union Of India & Ors on 1 December ...

    Dec 1, 2011 - Bombay High Court. M/S. Crawford Bayley & Co vs Union Of India & Ors on 1 December, 2011. Bench: Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud, A.A. Sayed.
Sad Commentary

Xcerpts from HC Judgment >

<The return is therefore, treated as invalid. By letters dated 1 April 2011 and 11 May 2011 the Petitioner once again reiterated that the ITR-V Form had been transmitted on 5 April 2010, 18 May 2010 and 18 May 2010. Furthermore it was pointed out to the Department that though on 5 April 2010 a representative had been deputed to Bangalore to deliver the Form, she was not allowed to meet the Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax in the Central Processing Centre.

5. The Court is informed that the problem has arisen in the present case since for Assessment Year 2009-10 Dmt 5 wp2004-11 arrangements were not made by the Income Tax Department for verification of returns uploaded electronically by digital signature. Such an arrangement has now been made from Assessment Year 2011-12. >

Thursday, July 25, 2013

INTELLECT x or v INTELLIGENCE >>>>SEBI's latest on 'front running' ?

Oct 7

Reacting irresistibly, the profounder of the unnatural, hesitant to dub it novel,' idea' has rightly christened itself- ‘M’SD!
That instantly provokes one to summon for aid a memorable quote:
Victor Hugo "On résiste à l'invasion
des armées;  on ne résiste pas à l'invasion des idées.” (-“an invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come”)

Oct 5
Prosecution of Government Servant without prior permission not valid – SC

< .... Manmohan Singh and another (2012) 3 SCC 64. Learned senior counsel submitted that the question of sanction is of paramount importance for protecting a public servant who has acted in  good faith while performing his duties. The purpose of obtaining sanction is to see that the public servant be not unnecessarily harassed on a complaint, failing which it would not be possible for a public servant to discharge his duties without fear and favour. Learned senior counsel also placed reliance on the judgment of this Court in Maksud Saiyed v. State of Gujarat and Others (2008) 5 SCC 668 and submitted that the requirement of application of mind by the Magistrate before exercising jurisdiction under Section 156(3) Cr.P.C. is of paramount importance. ....”
Manmohan Singh and another (2012) 3 SCC 64. Learned senior counsel submitted that the question of sanction is of paramount importance for protecting a public servant who has acted in  good faith while performing his duties. The purpose of obtaining sanction is to see that the public servant be not unnecessarily harassed on a complaint, failing which it would not be possible for a public servant to discharge his duties without fear and favour. Learned senior counsel also placed reliance on the judgment of this Court in Maksud Saiyed v. State of Gujarat and Others (2008) 5 SCC 668 and submitted that the requirement of application of mind by the Magistrate before exercising jurisdiction under Section 156(3) Cr.P.C. is of paramount importance. Learned senior counsel submitted that the requirement of sanction is a prerequisite even for presenting a private complaint under Section 200 Cr.P.C. and the High Court has rightly quashed the proceedings and the complaint made against the respondents. - See more at:
sanction is of paramount importance for protecting a public servant who has acted in  good faith while performing his duties. The purpose of obtaining sanction is to see that the public servant be not unnecessarily harassed on a complaint, failing which it would not be possible for a public servant to discharge his duties without fear and favour. Learned senior counsel also placed reliance on the judgment of this Court in Maksud Saiyed v. State of Gujarat and Others (2008) 5 SCC 668 and submitted that the requirement of application of mind by the Magistrate before exercising jurisdiction under Section 156(3) Cr.P.C. is of paramount importance. Learned senior counsel submitted that the requirement of sanction is a prerequisite even for presenting a private complaint under Section 200 Cr.P.C. and the High Court has rightly quashed the proceedings and the complaint made against the respondents. - See more at:
sanction is of paramount importance for protecting a public servant who has acted in  good faith while performing his duties. The purpose of obtaining sanction is to see that the public servant be not unnecessarily harassed on a complaint, failing which it would not be possible for a public servant to discharge his duties without fear and favour. Learned senior counsel also placed reliance on the judgment of this Court in Maksud Saiyed v. State of Gujarat and Others (2008) 5 SCC 668 and submitted that the requirement of application of mind by the Magistrate before exercising jurisdiction under Section 156(3) Cr.P.C. is of paramount importance. Learned senior counsel submitted that the requirement of sanction is a prerequisite even for presenting a private complaint under Section 200 Cr.P.C. and the High Court has rightly quashed the proceedings and the complaint made against the respondents. - See more at:

Sept 14

Aug 31

 Property purchased by father in son's name - by rakesh
Per querist, not a mnor at tghe relevant point in time; as said, it was not intended by father to be treated as a loan recoverable in future. In any case, if it was out of father's own earned monies, never intended to be treated or vested with the character of , by any action or otherwise, as monies of a HUF , then the fund provided by father to son either through the latter or directly by payment to seller, at best, in one's perceptive view could be regarded a 'gift'.   

If, at the time of purchase of the house property, as per the law in force attrracts no gift tax liability, then no such addeed problem may have to be faced. 

Aug 30


If your flat possession is delayed...

You may claim damages for alternative accommodation and interest on the payment made
<> Re 'indirect' loss found a mention in the concluding para, one very important and critical aspect has been omitted. That is, - the claim for compensation in the event of a prospective purchaser is going to be denied capital gains tax exemption i.e. presently available u/s 54 and 54 EC, but lost or likely to be lost as a direct consequence of the delay in delivery of possession.
Further, in one's perceptive view, as held in decided court cases, for making any such claim for interest (may be, also any other  compensation as suggested  above), it is not necessary to rely on any statutory provision; but grounds of 'equity' should suffice for successfully urging a claim.


Union of India Vs Krafters Engineering (SC)
Other precedents e.g. Government of Orissa Vs G.C.Roy

Also >


Legal Documents
Expert M V Gupta

In my view as there are no written and registered agreement for sale the question of capital gains does not arise. But ur client may have to treat the difference in the amount paid and amount received as income from other sources or interest and pay tax thereon at normal rates.



Posted: 25 Aug 2013 06:21 PM PDT
[This post is contributed by Anjali R. Menon, who is a Senior Associate at a leading law firm in Mumbai. She also runs a blog at She can be reached at


*Aug 15

Legislatures looking like combat arenas: President

<> The forthright perceptive observations of the top two key functionaries, in essence tacitly, but tersely as never before, reminding yet again the legislators,- whether sitting in the opposition or the treasury bench,- of their constitutional duties and responsibilities as 'public servants', make for a painfully sad commentary. Undeniably, the nation is virtually at the crossroads; and obligated to decide, better sooner than later, which route to righteously and wisely take. In short, for the common good of the nation / the governed, the men in governance can no longer afford to dilly-dally; but have perforce to take a frightfully firm but truly intelligent decision (s) as to how best to steer clear the country away from the treacherous path thus far followed, but by no means unwittingly .

Why the threshold /entry limit of 12 apartments, instead of 5 apartments as in the State(s) Acts in force?
Why in the proposed legislation should not be suitably covered,  the subject matter of the 97th amendment of the Constitution?
< For, that, in the common perception, has the laudable objective namely, a better administration, functioning, and good governance of housing co-operative societies, which is an area  left neglected for long.  Moreover, the mentioned  amendment, has , by and large, so far not received the expected  favourable reception and close  follow-up action from the States; perhaps, the only exception is Maharashtra.
Over to the legislators, also social activists, for deliberation and follow-on!

Financial Planning

Aug 5


Myth of ‘guaranteed’ returns

<> The underlying message is quite loud and clear on the point whether at all any such 'promise', and even if 'yes', to what extent , any such 'promise' is to be sanely relied on. One may call it by any other name such as, analysis, advice, suggestion, forecast, or the like, not just from a broker but from any other source – that is from self-appointed/-employed’/ -professed 'economic experts' .
Incidentally, there is no knowing by a commoner as to whether the lately mooted idea and attendant steps taken by the regulatory authorities , particularly by SEBI, have come to bear out any desirable change or fruitful outcome in the loathsome scenario obtaining for too long to be brushed aside or wished away.
Sorry!  Summoning for help a favourite quote - Lord Keynes: “Words ought to be a little wild because they represent the assault of thought upon the unthinking. The India governmental machinery may be likened to prehistoric monster incapable of intelligently controlling itself.”


CIT vs. Vector Shipping Services (P) Ltd (Allahabad High Court)

July 31st, 2013
Even while reading but before getting to the bottom of it, one is left with an emotional lump in the throat; and provoked so much as to rush out into the public road, and keep run shouting – eureka , but for wrong reason !
Whither simplification ? Whither understanding , let alone an enactment, of even such basic and rudimentary principles of ‘taxation’ ? Whither the end of the tunnel – the mindless litigation, simply for its sake- at best, for satisfying own whims and fancies to litigate , with no end or conclusion thereto in sight.
Time for introspection > In all such matters, is it not high time that everyone really concerned and worried about the larger interests of the tax paying public, to ponder- why the ‘tax gatherer’,- the whole lot of them – should be rightly regarded to have acted “in the performance of his duties”, so as to rightly escape own personal responsibility /answer-ability in the realm of administration / implementation of ‘law’ in its profound sense ?
Intellect and intelligence
Swami Parthasarathy Sep 6, 2011, 12.00am IST
·         intelligence|
·         intellect(Intellect and intelligence…)
We spend a lot of time acquiring intelligence at the expense of developing intellect.
Intelligence is built by gaining information, knowledge from external agencies, from schools and universities, teachers and textbooks. The intellect is developed through your individual effort by exercising the faculty of questioning, thinking and reasoning. Not accepting anything that does not admit logic or reason. Know the difference between the two. And that any amount of intelligence gained cannot per se build your intellect.
<> The Supreme Court petition by Subramanian Swamy, a lawyer and politician, had sought a fresh interpretation of the term juvenile under the Juvenile Justice Act.
India’s provisions relating to the age bar of 18 in India’s Juvenile Justice Act of 2000 were poorly drafted leading to a straitjacket interpretation of “juvenile,” Swamy told dpa.
He wanted a ruling from the Supreme Court that would allow courts to consider the mental and intellectual maturity of an adolescent accused of a crime while fixing culpability rather than a fixed age limit of 18.

The newly mooted idea is prima facie novel, but makes no sense- neither appeals to common sense or legal sense. Basically, it cuts at the very root and goes against the very grain of the thus far followed and commonly accepted basis for charging stamp duty. To put it differently, the charge is on so called 'fair market value'; which at the worst, could never be taken, -except in a case of under-statement or  concealment of actual consideration paid/received, -anything more than the price charged for the property. That should be for the property inclusive of its components - i.e. all such facilities provided as part and parcel of the deal.
Hopefully, the patently ill -conceived idea would be seriously decried and forcefully shouted down by one and all ; especially, by those who believe in righteousness and sanity in principle governing and underlying the basic concepts, such as, - "fair market value". 
In any event, if perceptively viewed, should the idea be sought to be thrust upon or pushed down the throat, challenging its constititional validity might turn out to be inevitable. In which case, the power of a mere stamp duty authority to do any such thing would require to be forcefully contested.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Termination (of employment) Pay OR Encashed Leave Pay - Why Not Taxable !