Wednesday, January 16, 2013

BL - Rahul ; AADHAAR : "Austerity" - Ever Heard Of" ?????

Update (Aadhaar)>
Govt looks to integrate Aadhaar with National Population ...

Times of India ‎- 1 day ago
The government on Thursday showed willingness to integrate the UIDAI (Aadhaar) project with NPR.

Aadhaar, if at all to prove a foolproof system , must be integrated not just with NPR but data based with NBR ; that is, to ensure that the identity proof is issued no sooner than a birth takes place. If one is not mistaken, that is the way the system in place even in small or big but forward thinking countries e.g. Singapore.or US works. Then alone there could be as near complete coverage as possible. That already "at least a large part of the population" has been covered does not seem to be sound or sane reasoning, or bear any courage of conviction; for, as common sense should tell,  it is the rest , however small part that be, could be the cause for worry, for purposes of , besides not simply personal identity, but from the viewpoint of the national security  itself.

UIDAI launches Aadhaar based Iris Authentication, eKYC, One Time PIN
Posted: 24 May 2013 08:28 PM PDT
UIDAI launches Aadhaar based Iris Authentication, eKYC, One Time PIN New Services and Permanent Enrolment Centres Developing on its vision of ‘Empowering residents of India with a unique identity and a digital platform to authenticate anytime, anywhere’, the Unique Identification...


Confused over Aadhaar, Cabinet clears GoM

Confusion over whether the unique identity number is a number, a card or both, and concerns over UID and NPR duplicating functions prompted the Cabinet to refer to GoM

 click here. &

 click here

Rahul is Congress Vice-President, will have larger say in party, Govt 22 hr. 2 min. ago 
This brings to stark focus a pathetic story, albeit not one directly related to "THE AADHAR', being the lately mooted project by our men in governance.
Is the idea mooted and put into effect going to serve the common good or not, and in any event to what extent it is really going to help , if not significantly, at least partially is too early, may be even over decades,  to tell.
Be that as it should, one thing seems to be quite clear; that is, the fear psychosis-fear stemming on  'identity crisis'- daring the common man, in recent times, and in every walk of life, and  largely gripping not just our nation, but almost evey other nation around the globe, is so deeprooted that renders it a difficult , nay well nigh an impossible exercise.
Pithily stated, any attempt to try and find an answer to the seemingly bizarre poser,-whether THE AADHAR, which has cost the exchequer enormously, can at all be expected to bring about even an iota of desired outcome is likely to prove a non-starter. 
For enlightening self, one is recommended to look up the widely divergent viepoints / critique on the subject- ongoing- task, available in plenty in public domain.
Now, over to expert humanists and sociologists, to deliberate !
KeY NoteS:
1. The intrinsically frightful word, 'crisis' instantly brings to mind what truly the greatest thinker, visionary, legal luminary, humanist, so on, all rolled into his noble personality, of our times, 'nani' (N A palkhivala) cautioned against... that was to the effect, humanity is, as ordained, from time immemorial, to eternity, for ever, to be faced with helplessly, all at a time / together or in quick succession, a variety of crisises- spiritual-, polical-, economic- , socio-econmic, moral -, crisis, which cannot be resilved by a socialogist in its profound sense.
2.Elsewhere, as heard to being done across the globe, the exercise of allotment of UID has to begin soon after a birth takes place, - that is through the nursing homes, the birth registry , etc. Otherwise, is there not bound to be left for ever an unfilled cavernous gap !

Sick economy, clueless doctors

"Charity Begins At Home" - An Old Saying, rich in wisdom, with multidimensional latitude.
World over, including in the Developed Economies, as is known, lately, all the Talk is about finding solution for salvaging nations from the obstinately glaring crisis, by exploring the rarely thought of avenue of  stringent ‘austerity measures’ .  Back home,  one wonders, -does  not  our nation  have any belief or faith  in such measures ? 

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