Sunday, January 6, 2013

Growth v Anti-growth

Lobbying: An Indispensable Part of Pluralistic Democracy or the Evil That Needs to Be Shunned?

In the following timely post, Satvik Varma explores the precise scope and meaning of lobbying activity and the manner in which it is regulated in the West. Based on the analysis, Satvik suggests measures for regulating lobbying activity in India. Satvik Varma an Advocate and Corporate Counsel , a LL.M. from Harvard Law School,  licensed to practice in India and in New York.]


The dormant debate on the merits and demerits of different models of development has been revived, at least in India, following the publication of the book with the ponderous title, India’s... »
<> "...Whatever the field, dogmas have no place and are strictly to be eschewed..."
Very true; except, perhaps, the authoritative principles are profoundly 'principles'  based, and have the rudimentary objective of improvement and promotion of 'social welfare' and 'entitlements' pleaded for, ideally so, by experts.
To be strictly eschewed are not just 'dogmas', - in its dictionary meaning; but any 'growth' which, as a principle or more so of an authority, is solely aimed at, -growth for growth's sake, having no due regard to its far reaching consequences (be it in a long term or otherwise), entailing an evil no less in its severity or gravity than that of 'cancer', ought to be eschewed. In short, any principle without / devoid of sensible 'moderation' or constant monitoring requires to be not simply eschewed but admonished, - nay shunned and condemned.

The underlying fallacy, in individual's perception, lies in the continuing belief, not rightly so, that our nation can still truly claim to be a 'democracy' in its puritanical sense. In particular, when the discussion is, as is herein, wholly pivoted on/devoted to possible positive and/ or negative factors impacting the nation's economy. As indirectly hinted at in one of the comments, the nation, thanks to its men in governance, has been veering off into, slowly, stealthily but steadily, the other obnoxious kind of democracy prevailing elsewhere across the globe.
(Portion (tail end) censored in the name of moderation :
For an analytical discussion thereof, it may be of interest  to read through the article titled, - Lobbying: An Indispensable Part of Pluralistic Democracy or the Evil That Needs to Be Shunned? (Link))
NOTE:    India’s Tryst with Destiny: Debunking Myths that undermine Progress and Addressing New Challenges jointly authored by Jagdish Bhagwati, university professor of economics, and Arvind Panagariya, professor of Indian economics, both at the Columbia University.

key word: 'prosperity' ?

  1. noun, plural pros·per·i·ties. 1. a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; good fortune. 2. prosperities, prosperous ...
  2. Prosperity theology (sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel or the health and wealth gospel) is a Christian religious doctrine that financial blessing is the ...

<'Prosperity', although prima facie a key word, finds no mention in the  'key words' listed. Be that as it may, true import of it requires to be understood in view of the fact that the so called ages-old doctrine of 'prosperty theology' has been undergoing changes from time to time, to suit the changing times. It is interesting to know more from the longish write-up @tha above link.

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